putting a water cooler into my water system..
my friend who works at the local meijer store told me of how they were just throwing out all of their dislplay and old items like tvs, vcrs, and other things. i went brousing and spotted a water cooler, like the ones you see in the doctors office with the big jug on the top, i just yoinked it. got it home and it works great, realy cold. i was thinkin about taking out maybe taking my heater core out of my system and just runnin the water right up to the cooler and back down down to my cpu. this just poses one big problem. it would be an entire separate box for the cooler so it would make my system a real pain to move around especial seen as how the lan party is comming up. it would be cool and i could probley get my 1700+ a bit faster but i dont know if its worth all the work, and mobility hassle.
Having said that, I've often thought about trying it to see for myself and look forward to hearing your results if you give it a go!
Ok, try this:
Ever worked with Car AC, and used the refill valves and pressure canisters for that kind of system??? Plumbing wise, same Idea, adapted to brass or plastic tubing for lines-- but in this case, pump cooled water into system via resevoir with inline shutoff valves to isolate out the active cool water flow so you can also run the cooling system as is when you port the box to LAN. My advice would be into the reservoir, make reservoir water cooler and let the hot things warm it above dew points and metal condensate points so you get no condensation, make the thing an active cooled resevoir cooling system when at home, and before going to LAN shut the resevoir flow in and out flow valves to and from cooler, that is easiest, but you could do many things here and take the risk of condensation in computer or on RAD pipe surfaces. I would use a kinda have-it-at-home-only thing for now, knowing how big water coolers are usually. Recirc the resevoir itself back into the cooler with plastic tubes. You might need a small aux pump to power the flow to and from cooler, small home-office water coolers use gravity feed and typically do not actively pump. Barb to pipe adapters can be used.
If you like the idea, will explain more. Ask questions, please, if confused. This can AND should be a Q&A HowTo conversation that anyone with ideas is welcome to jump into. Many intelligent brains make for good plans-- and lots of you have smarts and common sense here....
Yeah, "shifty" acres shifts stuff that cannot be sold or is junk to them or customers to trash....
John D.