Problems with ASUS A7N8X-D 2.0 & RAID
I just purchased two RocketHead 100 SATA to PATA converters and hooked them up. All the cables are attached properly, hard disks are both set to master, mobo jumpers correctly set, latest bios installed (1007), etc. However, this board will not recognize the drives in this fashion. Here's a reply from ASUS:
Now I know for a fact that many people have tried to do the same thing I'm doing and succeded, so does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?
¡ôsorry , please do not use this pata-sata converter card on a7n8x-deluxe motherboard ,
the board use silicon image 3112R raid chip ,it won't accept most convert adapter card .
i think you can use it on a motherboard use Promise DC20378 sata raid controller .
Now I know for a fact that many people have tried to do the same thing I'm doing and succeded, so does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?