This has finnally eaten past my last nerve.
Is there a known issue with this setup(below)? I am getting EXTREMMLY pissed that I traded for this Radeon 9700 Pro a while back on THIS forum, so I cannot RMA FYI, I cannot remember who, and frankly it is probably best right now that I can't.
I cannot play a god damned thing without my screen going black with the "disconnected" display. Only with 3D stuff this happens, not 3D Max, but Games.. Unreal Tourney 2004, Planetside, EVE Online, a few others too, basically every game I have ever played on this setup.
It's the ASUS K8V DLX Motherboard, with the Athlon64 3000+ and a ATi Radeon 9700 Pro. I'd give it back, but it's a bit too late, and now that I am playing games again I realized it is still crashing on me. SOMETIMES and so far only in Unreal 2004, the VPU recover will kick in, but it hasn't ever done that in any other game.
I have adjusted my Aperature Size, I have turned ON and OFF fastwrites, in both BIOS and Driver Control Panel, I have tried various different Drivers, I have reformatted MANY times... basically anything and everything I can think of.
So right now, it seems if I cannot fix it, I must go and get me a NEW card, and I will never TRADE ever again. Any ideas?
I cannot play a god damned thing without my screen going black with the "disconnected" display. Only with 3D stuff this happens, not 3D Max, but Games.. Unreal Tourney 2004, Planetside, EVE Online, a few others too, basically every game I have ever played on this setup.
It's the ASUS K8V DLX Motherboard, with the Athlon64 3000+ and a ATi Radeon 9700 Pro. I'd give it back, but it's a bit too late, and now that I am playing games again I realized it is still crashing on me. SOMETIMES and so far only in Unreal 2004, the VPU recover will kick in, but it hasn't ever done that in any other game.
I have adjusted my Aperature Size, I have turned ON and OFF fastwrites, in both BIOS and Driver Control Panel, I have tried various different Drivers, I have reformatted MANY times... basically anything and everything I can think of.
So right now, it seems if I cannot fix it, I must go and get me a NEW card, and I will never TRADE ever again. Any ideas?
I'll turn off VPU Recover and see how it goes. I think I have tried it before, but I cannot recall that... I have also tried 4x AGP, but that cuased no difference once so ever... so I'd say that is a bit of a good thing since 8x is more "smoother" not so much faster...
I will be buying a NEW 9800 Pro(not a 9700 Pro cuase the price is good enough, weeee!)
Hrmmm, isn't this my luck, my speakers just died on me it appears... I was just turning down the volume and BAM they shut off and now I can't turn them back on.. this thread must be CURSED!!!! lol... ugh this sucks... I don't have this kind of money
Back on topic though, I am gonna rebuild the Intel system I have and see if it crashes on that system, if not then I know it is an incompadibility and will just trade this card to help pay for a new one.
Plus what drivers are you running? The newest cats? or omega's? 64-bit or 32-bit versions?
This seems to be a common problem with the K8V motherboard. There are two culprits that come up the most; cooling and the motherboard itself.
Please confirm that your PC is stable in 2D. NON gaming mode.
Possible solutions:
1) Some have pointed the finger at power supply problems indicating insufficient voltage with the ATI/K8V combination.
2) Some have indicated poor cooling on the GPU but this has mostly come up with the 9600XT cards. When the card is working with 3D apps such as games the GPU becomes overheated and shuts down. Has the 9700 PRO you have been modified with a new cooling fan? If so then that cooling fan may have to be reseated.
3) Some have suggested backing off the ram timings to CAS 3 in bios.
4) There have been suggestions of a bad motherboard batch with the K8V.
Of course you may try to reflash the BIOS to the latest even if you are on the latest BIOS just to make sure.
I have tried adjusting the voltages, lowering CAS timings and even underclocked generally EVERYTHING, just for the hell of it and it still did it.
I have also updated my BIOS, it isn't the latest, but that's becuase it's just too much of a bitch to try and I have been busy. Just too much ****
I'll retry everything and see what happens...
It's Windows 2000 Pro, however, I swore a while back, like 2 years ago, that I would never go to Windows XP cuase of it's ****ty price and what you get for that. I don't do upgrades either, yuck.
2000 Pro rocks, I loved it, but in my area of work, or upcoming area I should say... Windows 2000 is not widely supported. For instance AViD Programs and some other CV and Film editing software require XP and XP only... and a coupel games I have require it too and it just won't work on Windows 2000.
To me, Windows 2000 is WAY better than XP for various reasons... but support is being lost on Windows 2000 now it seems, so I must adapt.
my geforece 4 was doing the same thing, so i replaced it and now it runs like a dream, unfortunatly i had to replace it, the card was doing the same thing in different machines
Other than what has been discussed, check that the default refresh rates are not a bit too high, PLEASE. Scenario is very fast box-- and with a monitor that is not also very fast, you will get card runnign too fast for monitor sometimes.
I've run into that one again and again....
Try this:
Right click background on desktop.
Click properties.
Click settings.
Click Advanced button on settings tab.
On the adapter tab, click List All Modes....
Look and see what the next slowest offering is, other than the highlighted one, write it down and possibly the one that is highlighted and the one faster than that also. DO NOT change settings, just write down what they are.
Now, click on the Monitor tab.
Click on the checkbox that allows Windows to display only modes the monitor can handle. Should be right beolow the refresh rate dropdown.
Of the three listed things you wrote down, set monitor to one nearest the one of the list that is closest to nearest match.
Click apply.
Go back to adapter tab, set adapter to closest match you chose in monitor tab if it is not already set to that.
Click Ok until you get back to desktop.
Restart Windows.
Now see if you can game reasonably well, and if game stops after a long time, like an hour or so, look at O\Hing issues. See if this replicates across games in same number of hour and half hours. If so, after syncing settigns as best you can, then card is probably overheating.
Second major thing, aperture size should be 1.5 times size for card RAM if 256 MB on card or up to twice that if RAM is less than 256 MB on card. Aperture should not take up more than 1\3 of total RAM, either, or your CPU will starve and stutter for lack of RAM over the long term. 1\4 of RAM is actually best, but we are tryign to balance a fast card and fast CPU's needs for resources while letting the box have big enough buffer in RAM so CPu can think ahead for parts it does and steadily feed card.
I got, interestingly enough, 512 MB in two matched sticks of PC3200 Dual Channel Ultra Low Latency Pro Corsair coming, from ZipZoomFly. Someone must have overstocked them, as price is $180.00 for that 512 MB of DDR 400 RAM. ZipZoomFly part number 80092-15. For what you have, real low latency RAM that is of decent speed, might help matters some, instead of a new video card. I would have gotten a GIG of same line, but price was still too high for my pocketbook for that.
John D.
Heh, but this does kinda make me happy... knowing that I have already tried pretty much everything everyone has suggested so far.
I can't run the test on my other system cuase the friggin brackets for my Swifty are missing Been looking for them for weeks now grr.
Forgot I had lab today, so I have to wait till I get back home to test it out more. Ugh 3 more hours to go.
I have gone through this thread to see if any of it helps me in this new situation, but alas it has not.
I ran with DX 9.0a which came with the motherboard, and installed all the drivers and stuff form the motherboard. When I ran 3D Mark or even AquaMark it crashed INSTANTLY.
For 3D Mark, I started it up, set it to run the first 4 tests just to be quick about it, clicked Benchmark and for the first 2 times it was just a black screen, the 3rd it crashed when the benchmark info was just fading in... so within about 1 second or so of the actual program running... hard boot EVERY try, with like 5 tries, and various BIOS changes/tests.
For AquaMark I just have to open the program and it crashes.. I never see anything, just CRASH.
Of course no errors or anything, just a HARD LOCK. I haven't had time yet to try other software, but it doesn't matter.
I updated to DX9.0b and no dofference, except in Aquamark it crashed as the menu was just being made... but still within 1 second of opening.
OF COURSE... please read this:
Fastwrites OFF
AGP Aperature 256MB like stated before
No overclocking
both BIOS and Driver Control Panel says same... yadda yadda yadda, basically all the stuff I have said in the past, I have tried and failed in.
Yet windows runs without a hitch.
About to try Sandra, and a few others... gonnatry to get different Drivers as well.
I kinda figured installing even the 4.4's wouldn't work... I was running the Omega one's, same exact problem.
This time I let it stay for a moment though... I used to just shut it down immediatly, but I let it stay black for a while and it started looking like back in the day when my NES would get fuxed... the image would be all screwy and blocky with weird patterns.
Shut it off after that, didn't want to ruin the card just in case.
I guess the only thingI can do is kick myself in the balls for buying used parts, and put in my old Ti4600. Wait till my next living expences check comes in and buy a new card. Sell this one to my roomate though
I can't tell you if the K8T Chipset has compadability issues with my particular video card the ATi Radeon 9700 Pro..
I CAN tell you that my ol' trusty ABIT Siluro GeForce4 Ti4600 was installed and ran through the tests without a single hitch WHAT SO EVER. Which I am somewhat happy for, until I think about the money spent figuring out this "little" issue. I will not count how much I spent, but I can say it was enough to make me worry.
I got 14K point in 3D Mark, and my system is a mess, undefragmented, untweaked, and everything... so I'd say that is a decent score. I am sure I'll hit 15K by dawn. Have the second system rebuilt, test it to see if the Radeon works fine in it, and see if I can sell it to my roomate or perhaps online.
I hope that when I get money once again, that I can rebuild an entirely new system from scratch, without used parts, and maybe it will have PCI-Express and DDR2 and crap like that.
I hold no grudge, I remember it all now. Must have been during shipping or something. Sorry I got kinda pissed before, I have a hard time controlling myself sometimes... self control could have been handy in a few RL incidents But I'm just a lame "barbaric *******" as one guy put it LOL! He believed in getting by as a smart ass, I showed why it doesn't work against guys like me hahaha!
Again, sorry.. it'll be put to good use for my hippy roomate... rest assured, he deserves it.