considered unstable?
just a few mins ago (while reading a folding .doc on this site actually) my comp just ... reset itself. like if you do a hard reset by pushing the reset button. at first i thought i broke my monitor somehow but it all went under. booted up perfectly fine, after. it was only rebooted about an hour ago, BUT aside from occasional restarts the fans/cpu...everything has had power coursing through them for about 2 weeks. not sure if maybe that's why but i doubt it. so how many times and how often do you have a random crash before you think i should back off the overclock? the temp was only at around 20*c when this happened, too.
You got in a second before me. heh...
Knowing Thrax, its pieces of.... Intel chips...
to the rest.......mmmmm.......cookie
Unless I'm trying to kill you -- Then you'll eat prescotts.
How many reset before I back off? I expect ZERO resets. I get a few months at a stretch out of OCed folding boxes running w2k between boots.
tst 11
pass 0
failing address 000025bfac0 - 37.9MB
good fffeffff
bad ffffffff
err-bits 00010000
count 1
chn 0
i havne't a clue what that means, so there ya are
EDIT: SiSoft Sandra pro says my memory (after benching) is at 83% efficiency...god knows what that means but it may or may not help
I hate to say it, but any failure means you have a bad stick of ram. You need to replace the one that's bad. Sorry
As an aside, Sandra reports memory efficiency from theoretical maximum of your current configuration. If it was comparing you to dual channel, your efficiency would be down around 45%.
Is sOMeOnE tAlKiNg AbOuT ME???