'Planet Half-Life' Director Speaks Out About Half-Life 2

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited April 2004 in Science & Tech
The site director of PlanetHalfLife has reportedly quit his position and seemed to have a few things to get off his chest.
In early April 2003, Half-Life 2 rumors started to leak out. Print magazines were given the exclusive on all Half-Life 2 information and online sites weren't allowed to post screenshots or previews until 5/8/03. I felt this was a pretty stupid thing to do -- forcing people to jump through hoops and hunt down low-quality, blurry magazine scans to get a glimpse of the sequel they've been waiting five years for -- but hey, that's just my opinion and I'm obviously biased about the viability of the print medium. Valve's doing essentially the same thing again this year; print mags saw HL2 awhile back and that information will start trickling out shortly.

I sat in on the first demonstration of HL2 at E3 2003 and was pretty damn impressed. When Gabe said that the game was coming out 9/30/03, I totally believed it. My interest in Half-Life had begun to wane, but that demo rekindled my interest in PHL in a huge way.

Two months later, things started to get complicated. In mid-July I heard from multiple reliable sources that Half-Life 2 wasn't going to make 9/30/03. Then I got hold of pretty conclusive evidence that Valve's Doug Lombardi had flat out told print magazines (off the record, of course) to plan on pushing their reviews of Half-Life 2 back to the Holiday issues. Then in late July, Vivendi announced that Half-Life 2 would be delayed to the holidays. Since I knew the delay was coming, I jumped right on this and confidently reported it as fact.
Source: ForumPlanet


  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited April 2004
    ya... im not holding my breath on hl2
  • ginipigginipig OH, NOES
    edited April 2004
    Yup. HL2s delay has helped fuel much needed interest in other fps/genres.
  • pseudonympseudonym Michigan Icrontian
    edited April 2004
    Duke Nukem...... FOREVER!!!
  • NosferatuNosferatu Arizona
    edited April 2004
    This is news? Give me a break... that cynical prick should have left a long time ago!
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited April 2004
    Well Il get it for free when it comes out cause I have my voucher.. but then.. I might keep the voucher.. as by the time it does come out.. this voucher will be an antique :p
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