Nvidia Unveils New 64-Bit Drivers for NVIDIA nForce Platforms

Nvidia has announced the immediate availability of new 64-bit software drivers for systems and motherboards based on the NVIDIA nForce™3 media and communications processors (MCPs). So far though, the drivers are no where to be seen. We'll let you know the second they become available.
Source: NvidiaSystems based on NVIDIA nForce3 MCPs and the AMD Athlon 64 and AMD Opteron processors provide a compatible, stable, and reliable computing platform for users who wish to exploit the benefits of both 32-bit and 64-bit computing environments,” said Dwight Diercks, vice president of software engineering at NVIDIA. “With the release of our beta 64-bit drivers, NVIDIA, along with AMD and Microsoft is delivering a computing platform with the leading-edge features, performance, and stability that content developers require to develop stunning next-generation games, tools, and video with an extraordinary level of realism and 3D images.