Outlook very slow.

Outlook is getting slower and slower. It now takes about a minite to collect emails where it used to be seconds. I don't keep emails, when there is 10 or so I delete them all.
Anybody have any tips as to how to speed it up?
Anybody have any tips as to how to speed it up?
Exactly, I think that's it.
Thanks both.
I access two accounts. One is on the SM server and that is pretty lickety split but my ISP (Shaw) can bog down at times. Bog down is a relative term...sometimes it's an instant start to the download and sometimes it takes 10 or 20 seconds then starts downloading the email.
How much email you have in your Outlook on your own box doesn't affect it though..unless you are like one of my employees who seems to keep EVERYTHING. "Your email has 450 messages in the inbox, 1000 in the deleted items and 700 in the sent items"
Have you run a compact on the pst file?