Changing Cluster Size
I have an NF7-S with the onboard Highpoint Raid controller. I have my two main disks set up with raid-0. I made a noninformed decision at the time and set my cluster size to 128k. After reading articles on raid I believe a cluster size of 32k would more suit my rig. Would changing cluster size nuke all the files/OS already present on the disks or can it be changed with the files remaining intact? Thanks
What I'd do is ghost your hard drive partitions ....back up your data...transfer all that to DVD-R...then reformat and ghost back from the DVD-R.
Here's a link to a freebie I got off one of those magazine disks, version 5.0 Paragon
Unzip the file, load all contents to a floppy, then boot with it. Should be fairly obvious once you're into the program how to do it.
I've used this many times. It works well with FAT32 & NTFS.
You can't change stripe size though, that needs a reformat.
4096 is actually a cluster size of 4KB and is the default your NTFS drive is formatted with when you install Windows. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but there is no problem with this allocation size and your best to leave it as is.
Man, this forum is awesome.
But like folk have said. 4K is optimal for your setup.
To change stripe size you WILL LOOSE EVERYTHING. If it was just cluster size, Partition Magic works great. I use it every time I reformat an array.
/me goes to grab another whisky
A stick in the pants
Or just plain....."the sheeeetz"