I really like UT2004. I bought UT2003 when it came out and enjoyed that. When I played the demo of UT2004 I was hooked and preordered a nice shiny copy of the DVD SE version of UT2004 immediately. If you ever want to play, go download XFire. My SN is Trekky8472.
yeah, i know mr. Bojingles, he lives like two miles away from me. I haven't logged on in a while so i not to up to date. Where is the LAN Party? If i remember its in detroit.
I love the game.
FInally found a retail copy on sunday. It was killing me not having the multiplayer.
And trust me I have been looking for it every weekend
Personally I think its overrated. The graphics of the onslaught maps just dont look near as good as FarCry or BFV.
I am all about eye candy. Battlefield Vietnam has a great combination of beautiful grafix and action packed gameplay. I find myself playing that a LOT more than UT2k4.
I love it, you can find me on XFire as topherice. Although, I have to agree with FormFactor when it comes to the graphics. UT2K4 can't touch the graphics in FarCry or BFV, but I played Desert Combat so much I'm kinda played out on BattleField, any flavor.
But the playing style in UT is completely different from that of BF. I understand the graphics thing, but It really depends on what you're into. If I feel like playing some fast paced game, I'll jump into a CTF game with Zoom InstaGib and maybe the game speed turned up.
If I want to kind of sneak around a little more stealthily, I'll pop in BFV.
Now, I'm not saying anything bad about either game. Honestly, I absolutely love them both. I just think that they shouldn't be compared to each other, as they are hardly similar except for the fact that they're in the FPS genre.
Only bug I have ever come accross is a GPF which happens seldomly.
I like it, trying real hard to get into Onslaught. Nothing worse than electing to be gunner for a lousy tank driver, that's no way to get killed
In fact, I think 80% of Canada visit short-media on a daily basis
FInally found a retail copy on sunday. It was killing me not having the multiplayer.
And trust me I have been looking for it every weekend
Definately one of the best of 2004 so far.
First, see this thread, then check this one for the official info, and then PM me your confirmation, since there's only four days left to sign up
I am all about eye candy. Battlefield Vietnam has a great combination of beautiful grafix and action packed gameplay. I find myself playing that a LOT more than UT2k4.
If I want to kind of sneak around a little more stealthily, I'll pop in BFV.
Now, I'm not saying anything bad about either game. Honestly, I absolutely love them both. I just think that they shouldn't be compared to each other, as they are hardly similar except for the fact that they're in the FPS genre.