Short On Books, Texas School Uses Laptops
Every fifth- and sixth-grader at Johnson Elementary will receive a $1,350 IBM ThinkPad computer loaded with digital versions of state-approved textbooks and 2,000 works of literature. If the experiment works, the program will be expanded to other grades.
Source: Excite/Associated Press
It was only a matter of time. Is "the dog ate my notebook" coming as an excuse for not doing homework now? -KingFish"We think this is better than simply going out and buying more textbooks," said Forney Independent School District superintendent Mike Smith, who expected a shortage of 600 textbooks in August. Enrollment is projected to rise 20 percent or more at the district, and it takes three months to get new books.
Source: Excite/Associated Press
Good ****ing god.
/me watches Thrax's blood reach the boiling point