AIM tray icon
Landisville, PA
Is there any way i can remove the AIM tray icon from my system? Right now i consider it mostly useless, but I cant find a way to disable it. I'm thinking registry hack or something? Any thoughts?
Lol. It should work for your purpose. Just probe around the options a bit. I'm not sure exactly where it is, because I use TrayIt! to put stuff next to my clock, not take it away.
Well, I know Windows can hide it. right click an empty space in the taskbar and go to properties. In the new window, go to the Taskbar tab, then under Notification Area, hit "Customize...". If AIM is running, find it in the Current Items list, and under Behavior, select Always hide.
Not quite getting rid of it but it's the next best thing, without extra software, that is.
while aim is the selected program hit F3
click on Sign on/off section
uncheck start AIM when windows starts.
close aim.
right click on aim icon and say close it will not be there next time windows starts.
Then then only way i know is to just hide it.
yeah, but then that dumb arrow thing is there and it doesnt save any taskbar space
Besides, if you're screen space is so precious, just hide the whole bar...