User Permissions

SlickSlick Upstate New York
edited July 2003 in Science & Tech
How do I edit user permissions from the command line. For example I want to give a user permission to shutdown the machine.


  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    I think the user needs to be a member of the group "sys" in the /etc/group file, try that and a few other of the important sounding groups, I would try it for you but I havnt had time to install nix on my Desktop yet, my laptop is Dead and I dont really want to turn off my Server :p

  • SlickSlick Upstate New York
    edited July 2003
    I don't want to make this user a super user, just enough permission to turn off the machine without all the other commands.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    You need to install a program called `sudo` and then give the user access to `/sbin/shutdown`.

    And easier way is if you have a `/etc/shutdown.allow` file, is put the persons username in there.

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