The novice

edited May 2004 in Folding@Home
I downloaded and installed the programme and am getting the following on the 'log'.
Is something wrong with my setup?
Am I just too impatient?
Answers soonish please...............


--- Opening Log file [May 5 21:40:47]

# Windows Graphical Edition ###################################################

Folding@home Client Version 4.00


[21:41:28] - Ask before connecting: No
[21:41:28] - User name: janelynch (Team 93)
[21:41:28] - User ID not found locally
[21:41:28] + Requesting User ID from server
[21:41:43] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:41:43] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:41:53] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:41:53] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:42:06] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:42:06] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:42:33] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:42:33] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:43:18] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:43:18] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:44:02] Opening
[21:44:15] Opening
[21:44:47] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:44:47] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:47:14] Opening
[21:47:29] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:47:29] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:53:04] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[21:53:04] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[21:56:54] Opening
[22:00:31] Opening C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\MyFolding.html...
[22:03:49] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[22:03:49] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[22:03:49] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[22:03:49] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[22:25:10] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[22:25:10] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[22:25:10] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[22:25:10] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...


  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    are you behind a firewall ?
  • edited May 2004
    Yep...a norton one.................
  • edited May 2004
    Have put winfah.exe onto 'permit all' - presumably this should fix it......
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    hopefully ...let me know.
  • edited May 2004
    Yipee...its done 1/400..guess that makes me bottom of the list.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    janelynch wrote:
    Yipee...its done 1/400..guess that makes me bottom of the list.
    what is 1/400 your progress?
    If so that means you have a tinker which is good ...especially if you have an athlon.

    So which client are you running and are you running any flags? What processor do you have?

    Even if you are on the bottom of the list you will rise quickly because lots of ppl started started and stopped along the way if you are active you will move up rapidly. I did! LOL
  • edited May 2004
    Ok..did you get the novice bit!
    Its a black box...........seriously its an Athlon64 3200+.
    The words client and flags mean nothing to me but I'm sure someone will fill me in.....its a steep learning curve.
    Bye for now
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    janelynch wrote:
    Ok..did you get the novice bit!
    Its a black box...........seriously its an Athlon64 3200+.
    The words client and flags mean nothing to me but I'm sure someone will fill me in.....its a steep learning curve.
    Bye for now

    Client is word for what runs on your computer when you fold, or for an application that works with a server on other end of a connection (web or local area network).

    Flags are subcommands you can pass to the client to make things work a special way for your box.

    type means this:

    For Windows, there are three kinds of clients available, and one has a screensaver, one has a Window you can open and close, and one has neither and is called a console client.

    If your box shows things folding when your screensaver would be on, you have the first kind.

    If you have little COG that is red down near the clock on your taskbar, adn when you clcik it a window opens up but you have nothing except a normal screensaver, then you have the second.

    If you have neither of the above and had to play with all sorts of weird things that need a lot of typing, you have a console client.

    Lets figure out which kind of client by what it does, then we can talk about how to use flags and where they put and how to get your client using them....

    Thanks for folding with us. :D
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    with an athlon you have to set a flag with the client to invoke the SSE feature.

    If the shortcut properties for the client look something like:

    To add the flag just simply add this to that line:
    "c:\f@h\winfah.exe" -forcesse

    and you're done.
    The reason for this is so that when you eventualy get a gromacs wu it will run using SSE rather than 3DNow! and will thus be faster and more efficient.

    Like the pic below only the path will be your own:
    f@h.JPG 32.8K
  • edited May 2004
    Well I've got a box that I can open and close down on the bottom left so I've added the flag as instructed.

    As for 'when you eventualy get a gromacs wu it will run using SSE' thats tomorrow's tutorial.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    now that you have added the flag it needs to be invoked with that flag.
    If you stop the client (f@h) and then restart it all flags that you have added will be invoked (in your case that one flag -forcesse)
    To tell whether you have added it properly you can check your fahlog.txt file and scroll down to where you will see the client terminated and then restarted and you should see something similar to this:

    --- Opening Log file [April 28 18:48:28]

    # Windows Console Edition #####################################################

    Folding@home Client Version 4.00


    Arguments: -service -local -forcesse

    [18:48:28] - Ask before connecting: No
    [18:48:28] - User name: csimon (Team 93)
    [18:48:28] - User ID = 5AB4C86278454C4A
    [18:48:28] - Machine ID: 1

    You may not see the same flags that I have and you may see more but that is irrelevant long as you see the -forcesse you are ok!!!

    Good luck and glad to have you on the team.
    If you have any more questions please feel free to ask and also when you're ready for your next tutorial just ask for that too!!! =o)
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited May 2004
    May we also say:

    Welcome to Team 93!!

    Glad to have you folding with us :fold:

  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    jane can you post the contents of your client.cfg file?
    should look something like this ...this way we can insure you won't run into problems:





  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    janelynch wrote:
    Well I've got a box that I can open and close down on the bottom left so I've added the flag as instructed.

    As for 'when you eventualy get a gromacs wu it will run using SSE' thats tomorrow's tutorial.

    Well, curiously, that switch does not hinder even Tinker work on most boxes. And, the faster boxes get more Gromacs more often than the real older boxes do, so it might help with the next WU you get.

    To csimon and janelynch and any other new folders or those thinking about it:

    One more switch that does still work, especially if put into place before the first WU is received, is to use -advmethods as well as the other switches which are proven to work for your box. This works with both graphical and console clients. When I set up the prescott, I forgot this switch when I set up a test graphical first. I got two Tinkers in a row. I then stopped the client, and after that got about 85% Gromacs until folding stuck a bunch of newly repointed Tinkers into the system, then I still got about 70-75% Gromacs or Doubles. Folding does not always instantly adjust without the -advmethods switch, and it does not hurt to leave it there.

    With the efficiency variable in the system, Foldign will adjust to your box, but if you have a fast box, you can get it to feed more gromacs sooner while adjusting and without it it many times will use a mix that has more Tinkers in it. I can see folding react here, by looking at logs over longer time frames-- I will get a couple Tinkers, the effiency value goes down, and then I get some small Gromacs and efficiency value goes up. After that, I get a Double or bigger Gromacs, unitl one breaks or I get a LAN glitch, then I get smaller ones, adn if I get a WU twice that breaks I get at least one Tinker.

    I will need a month more of folding and studying and playing a bit to be totally sure, but this is the pattern so far, and every time I have told people with fast boxes how to use -advmethods right from the get-go they got more points right off the bat (withion a week's time) than if they forgot the -advmethods switch.

    Just tossed this in for more startup info which still helps more than it hinders.
  • edited May 2004
    client cfg file as instructed:-





    Problems of what type?
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    various problems but one specifically might be with the line "priority=0" ...set to any other value may cause issues with your system but everything looks fine.
    Another problem could be with the "team=93" ...sometimes this accidentally gets set to "0" which would give you trouble when trying to track your progress.
  • edited May 2004
    John_D wrote:
    One more switch that does still work, especially if put into place before the first WU is received, is to use -advmethods

    So do I add this on the same line and after the - forcesse flag?
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited May 2004
    that is correct, however im under the impression all this will do is be a performance hit on an AMD machine, so i'd leave it off
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited May 2004
    sry to intrude jane, but john, is that for p4s or just any cpu in general?
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    Basically the -advmethods flag serves the purpose of requesting gromacs wu's over tinker wu's. Setting the -advmethods flag does not guarantee anything is merely a request for gromacs when they are available and abundant.

    My personal preference for my machines is to add -advmethods to my P4 machines and to leave it off of my athlon machines. The reason being (without getting into too much detail) is that P4's are more efficient at folding gromacs and athlons are more efficient at folding tinkers. P4's do not fold tinkers as efficiently as they fold gromacs and vice versa goes for the athlons.

    Until recently no one wanted to fold tinkers (at the time affectinatly referred to as "stinkers") because of the long amont of time they took to complete and the poor point association. Recently Stanford re-analyed all wu's on a 2.8ghz P4 and has greatly improved the point association to all wu's ....especially tinkers because the base system is a P4 which isn't so efficient thus the point advantage.

    Fortunatly for us athlon users it is now desirable to fold all of the tinkers we can get because we get our points worth finally ...and then some.
    So when using an athlon setting -forcesse you will force your athlon to fold gromacs using SSE (which is most efficient for athlons) and the flag is just disreguarded when you are assigned a tinker. Therefore by not setting the -advmethods flag on the athlon you not requesting gromacs specifically but you are open to whatever Stanford has in store for you ...which in the long run is beneficial to the project.

    These are tried and true methods of folding and setting flags through experience and time. Setting -advmethods on an athlon machine will not hamper your project in the least.

    Should I explain anything further or does anyone think I should rethink this?

    I'm open. :fold:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited May 2004
    P4s should have advmethods on them to take use of SSE2 with the Double Gromacs. For AMDs dont use advmethods.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    csimon wrote:
    These are tried and true methods of folding and setting flags through experience and time. Setting -advmethods on an athlon machine will not hamper your project in the least.

    Should I explain anything further or does anyone think I should rethink this?

    I'm open. :fold:

    csimon, I think you meant to say 'Setting -forcesse on an athlon...", not "-advmethods" ... right?
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    GHoosdum wrote:
    csimon, I think you meant to say 'Setting -forcesse on an athlon...", not "-advmethods" ... right?
    no I meant -advmethods. :thumbsup:
    by setting -forcesse on an athlon you run a slight risk since your cpu will run hotter than without it ...even more risky/hotter if overclocking.

    -advmethods = gromacs request
    -forcesse = SSE usage (for gromacs only) runs athlons hotter than 3DNow!

    I guess you could say gromacs are optimized for SSE (including SSE2) and tinkers are not.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    -forcesse is no longer necessary with core_78 v1.62 running without the flag you will still get see boost!!!
    -advmethods is also unnecessary since teh points have been updated.

    my new recommendation? set no flags!!!
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