Windows Loading Problem
My computer will not load windows. I have tried 98, 2000 Pro, & XP Pro. 98 loads, but on reboot it locks up with an error. 2000 needs a floppy to start the CD. When I boot with the floppy, it stops and says "NT Detect error". XP will boot with a CD, but after re boot it has file corrupt errors. I have tried 3 different hard drives, two different CD drives. The memory stick was checked and is ok. Does anyone have an idea??
Also, are you overclocking?
With regard to your memory; Don't just check your memory, swap it out with another stick. Even good memory can spit in the face of some motherboards.
Download MEMTEST and run thatto diagnose your ram. If you get errors in the ram then that will explain it.
Start there.