OfficeMax Cendyne DVD Burner $150 AR (or $110 AR)

Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
edited July 2003 in Trading Post
Found this at OfficeMax Deals

# Cendyne 4x Internal DVD +R/RW Drive, CDICD00225 (Item #20348170) @ $249.99 - $40IR - $30 MFR-MIR - $30 OM-MIR (#23P) = $149.99 AR

# Cendyne 4x Internal DVD -R/RW Drive, CDICD00209 (Item #20146496) @ $249.99 - $40IR - $30 MFR-MIR - $30 OM-MIR (#23P) = $149.99 AR

# Kingston 256MB DDR RAM (Item #20220510) @ $79.99 - $40IR - $20 MFR-MIR - $10 OM-MIR (#21P) = $10 AR

Office max Coupons here

Deal #1, (DVD+RW -or- DVD-RW) + Kingston 256MB DDR RAM @ $110 AR:
Add: Cendyne DVD+RW -or- DVD-RW drive @ $209.99
Add: Kingston DDR RAM @ $39.99
Add: Acco Paper Clips @ 29¢ (Item #09015424) (Filler Item to reach $250)
ITEMS TOTAL: $250.27

Apply: $50 off $250 coupon (see above link)

Subtract: $30 Cendyne MFR-MIR
Subtract: $30 Cendyne OM-MIR
Subtract: $20 Kingston MFR-MIR
Subtract: $10 Kingston OM-MIR

FINAL: $250.27 (items) - $50 (cpn) - $90 (MIRs) = $110.27 (plus sales tax on $200.27)

Note 1: Because NONE of the items above are FAR, this deal can be ordered BY PHONE! OMAX's policy is NO COUPONS on FAR ITEMS.
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