SATA RAID Controllers – Which is the best for you?

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
TweakTown has put up an article looking at some of the different SATA controllers available at the moment and looks at helping you decide which one you're best suited to getting.
Today we will have a look at what all these controllers can do for your computer and which one is the best solution for you. We spoke quite a bit about the native Serial ATA support in our recent nForce 3 250 review and we intend to see what kind of performance it offers when placed against its PCI bus constrained competitors. We couldn’t stress enough about how much better moving these devices off the PCI bus was – Let’s see if we were correct or simply being taken in by nVidia’s marketing tactics.
Source: TweakTown


  • edited March 2005
    U have got a superb website
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    Thanks for the compliment. We wish you would sign up and join us.:)
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited March 2005
    dang i was looking at the highpoint card for raid 5 =\
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