Using Xp's builtins to monitor a client console.
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
Each client Window has its own label as to which console instance is being displayed. this was created to autoload, show which client in Window is behind info in Window, and I can scroll about last 200 lines of info in it. I access each console client window with one mouse click, in XP. Pic tells the rest of the visual story..... If a few or many people ask howto or why, will use this thread for Q&A regarding how and why I did this.
I usew ZERO third party apps, run two such on my Prescott-- each has a Window like this, minimizable, maximizable, and scrollable. This client instance is running a Protein: p525_BBA5_pf and it started that in same timezone relative time (UTC\GMT) today at 09:07:51. I am running two clients at once now while posting from same Windows box.
I usew ZERO third party apps, run two such on my Prescott-- each has a Window like this, minimizable, maximizable, and scrollable. This client instance is running a Protein: p525_BBA5_pf and it started that in same timezone relative time (UTC\GMT) today at 09:07:51. I am running two clients at once now while posting from same Windows box.