Why??? Um, riders with lappies and can antennae, neighbors who like free internet, and no more ports than wireless to close.
Wireless is harder to fully secure, and those wireless router\gates that offer the same security that my $34.00 wired router has are much more expensive, plus fact that the NIC needed cost at least 3X as much EACH.
AND, I do not need it for good effective and efficient networking at home. If I lived in a metor area, would be wireless capable, partly to know how to defend that medium from attack, but for now do not need this as the nearest pseudo-metro area barely qualifies for that desigantion in US Census terms and is across a river and about 5 miles north of my house to 25 miles north of my house.
So, cost differences, no effective difference in terms of what I need being well accomplished, and security and cross-media networking tie-in complexities I avoid ALL keep me from using wireless.
Install copper mesh in the walls of your home! I don't think anything would get through that.
As for me...
From the hub:
50 feet of cable connects my compter to the outside world
Approx. 3 feet of cable gets to a computer and modem (the hub sits on top of the modem, which sits on the computer.)
~15 feet hits another computer
Sometimes, 10 feet will hit a friend's comuter.
As for me...
From the hub:
50 feet of cable connects my compter to the outside world
Approx. 3 feet of cable gets to a computer and modem (the hub sits on top of the modem, which sits on the computer.)
~15 feet hits another computer
Sometimes, 10 feet will hit a friend's comuter.