F@H on Open BSD

DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
edited May 2004 in Folding@Home
This was posted at a forum I visit for a youth group I work with. A couple of folks there fold for different teams, and someone asked about F@H on Open BSD. He said:
I don't suppose there's a copy of the folding client ported over to OpenBSD? Even with Linux emulation turned on, the client either:

Won't stop looping through the registration section, or
Will download the core file, not find it, and redownload. Repeat until I get tired of wasting bandwidth and kill the process.
Similar results for using the -freeBSD terminal switch, except then the problem is it can't find libtermcap.so.2, even when it's pointed at the right directory. Yes, I have write access to all the directories and files (and if I didn't, I changed permissions accordingly). I've tried copying the library file and changing permissions, but same problem. I'm running OpenBSD 3.5 with a generic kernel (I know I should compile my own...I'll get there eventually) on Intel 386. Intel Celeron 2.4GHz processor running at 2.74GHz, 1.5GB combined RAM and swap space, and slightly over 10GB of free disk space on each of the partitions I tried running the program from. If anyone knows where I can get a port (or has enough spare time on their hands to do a port themselves...)it would be greatly appreciated

Does anyone here have some advice or links to point him in the right direction? I'll send him the link to the thread here....and maybe try the soft sell for Team 93 ;)



  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    (Dexter, please pass this on or have the user look at this thread....)

    Ok, for BSD try this:

    First, fold as root. That gets you root's access pathings, ie global file and file tree access without perm violations and kernel interfering.

    Second, Open and Free are different, you might have ended up with a catch 22 just on differences.

    Third, config and run with -local switch imposed in call even if you have one instance running, not probably totally required but good discipline in a *nix environment client.

    Fourth, run from console, not from within a virtual console that is GUI based, or you might end up with the virtual console havign path or perms of the GUI login in part.

    Fifth, what gcc version do you have running???

    Sixth, do you have any errors from a pure console run as root, and if so what are they ohter than libtermcap??? Lib Term Cap, BTW, stands for Terminal Capture Library (libs are like dlls, except they are live libraries, not downloadable within system, and need to be invoked by the proper daemon as they can be owned and set up that way for segmented security), looks liek client cannot write its config files or capture from terminal\console to its work folder. If you set perms to 755 for the whole folder and THEN have it run as config, you might suddenly see it behaving if root is owner and root runs the folding client.

    Seventh, you DID give the client an explicit hole to ports 8080 and 80 through your builtin BSD firewalling, yes??? If not, BSD may kill it when it tries and violates firewalling rules.... Let's start there, those are the majors I know of as classes of things know to kill apps.

    If nothing good comes of this, posting in Unix\Linux\BSD client areas on folding forum might be good, I am not great with BSD yet and use Free 5.2 more than Open-- just dabble with Open, sorry. I'm more a Linux dude, insofar as *nix stuff goes.

    Ping Prime, Ping ~tk. Speak up, please, you two.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    We run OpenBSD on servers, and would never ever fold on a server, so I have absolutely no experience with it. Sorry :(
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    --> Prime: True, thought you might have played with it to see how it worked.... Oh, well, worth a try. Do you or ~tk know the prereqs for running Linux things on Open, Prime??? Can you even run a BSD routine as BSD native while running it as Linux compatibility as far as BSD is concerned??? One would think those two things together would cause all sorts of fights between app and O\S, with that kind of modal cross-mess. AFAIK, from many O\S's worth of playing, trying to do both native and compat at once, different from each end, would do something weird to anything you ran. Either Linux compat OR BSD switch, IOW.

    --> Dexter: One other thing that might help, Dexter, AFAIK there is still a -debug switch subroutine in the *nix client. So, the youth you are trying to encourage to fold and help here, might try running it in -debug mode and see if that output helps. If not, posting that output on folding's forums might get some ideas in response. Wild guess, but Guha there might be able to help, and through the folding community forums is one way to get things to him.
  • jgoguenjgoguen Fredericton, NB, Canada
    edited May 2004
    John_D wrote:
    First, fold as root. That gets you root's access pathings, ie global file and file tree access without perm violations and kernel interfering.
    Been there. Same issues, whether I'm in the same dir as the library or not.
    Second, Open and Free are different, you might have ended up with a catch 22 just on differences.
    OpenBSD includes libraries for FreeBSD compatibility, which I have enabled. I'm also running the client in FreeBSD mode.
    Third, config and run with -local switch imposed in call even if you have one instance running, not probably totally required but good discipline in a *nix environment client.
    Good suggestion, but didn't work.
    Fourth, run from console, not from within a virtual console that is GUI based, or you might end up with the virtual console havign path or perms of the GUI login in part.
    Again, didn't work. Same error message.
    Fifth, what gcc version do you have running???
    Version 2.95
    Sixth, do you have any errors from a pure console run as root, and if so what are they ohter than libtermcap???
    Arguments: -local -freeBSD

    [18:39:47] - Ask before connecting: No
    [18:39:47] - User name: jgoguen (Team 93)
    [18:39:47] - User ID = 192CC9956E9E74B2
    [18:39:47] - Machine ID: 1
    [18:39:47] Loaded queue successfully.
    [18:39:47] + Benchmarking ...
    [18:39:53] - Preparing to get new work unit...
    [18:39:53] + Attempting to get work packet
    [18:39:53] - Connecting to assignment server
    [18:39:54] - Successful: assigned to (
    [18:39:54] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
    [18:39:54] Loaded queue successfully.
    [18:39:55] - Deadline time not received.
    [18:39:58] + Closed connections
    [18:39:58] + Processing work unit
    [18:39:58] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
    [18:39:58] Core found.
    [18:39:58] Working on Unit 05 [May 13 18:39:58]
    [18:39:58] + Working ...
    sh: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [18:39:58] CoreStatus = 7F (127)
    [18:39:58] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x7f
    [18:39:58] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
    sh: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [18:39:58] - Preparing to get new work unit...
    [18:39:58] + Attempting to get work packet
    [18:39:58] - Connecting to assignment server
    [18:39:58] - Successful: assigned to (
    [18:39:58] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
    [18:39:58] Loaded queue successfully.
    [18:40:00] - Deadline time not received.
    [18:40:02] + Closed connections
    [18:40:07] + Processing work unit
    [18:40:07] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
    [18:40:07] Core found.
    [18:40:07] Working on Unit 06 [May 13 18:40:07]
    [18:40:07] + Working ...

    And that will repeat over and over and over...until I stop the process.
    If you set perms to 755 for the whole folder and THEN have it run as config, you might suddenly see it behaving if root is owner and root runs the folding client.
    Same error message as above.
    Seventh, you DID give the client an explicit hole to ports 8080 and 80 through your builtin BSD firewalling, yes???
    As far as I can tell. Even disabled the firewall as much as I could:eek2:
    If nothing good comes of this, posting in Unix\Linux\BSD client areas on folding forum might be good
    Think I'm going to have to. Thanks.
    I'm more a Linux dude, insofar as *nix stuff goes.
    Well really so am I, but the security of OpenBSD was just too good fr me to pass up. If I can manage to find a firewall setup for Linux that's as good and efficient as my current /etc/pf.conf I'm going to go back to Linux. Compatibility mode just doesn't work as good as it should.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    We run OpenBSD on servers, and would never ever fold on a server, so I have absolutely no experience with it. Sorry :(
    why not fold on a server? I fold on mine! :fold:
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    jgoguen wrote:

    Arguments: -local -freeBSD

    [18:39:47] - Ask before connecting: No
    [18:39:47] - User name: jgoguen (Team 93)
    [18:39:47] - User ID = 192CC9956E9E74B2
    [18:39:47] - Machine ID: 1
    [18:39:47] Loaded queue successfully.
    [18:39:47] + Benchmarking ...
    [18:39:53] - Preparing to get new work unit...
    [18:39:53] + Attempting to get work packet
    [18:39:53] - Connecting to assignment server
    [18:39:54] - Successful: assigned to (
    [18:39:54] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
    [18:39:54] Loaded queue successfully.
    [18:39:55] - Deadline time not received.
    [18:39:58] + Closed connections
    [18:39:58] + Processing work unit
    [18:39:58] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
    [18:39:58] Core found.
    [18:39:58] Working on Unit 05 [May 13 18:39:58]
    [18:39:58] + Working ...
    sh: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open
    shared object file: No such file or directory
    [18:39:58] CoreStatus = 7F (127)

    CORE cannot access the file, dang it!, what are the perms on the core file itself, ie: Core_78 ??? And who owns it????

    [18:39:58] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x7f
    [18:39:58] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
    sh: error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [18:39:58] - Preparing to get new work unit...
    [18:39:58] + Attempting to get work packet
    [18:39:58] - Connecting to assignment server
    [18:39:58] - Successful: assigned to (
    [18:39:58] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
    [18:39:58] Loaded queue successfully.
    [18:40:00] - Deadline time not received.
    [18:40:02] + Closed connections
    [18:40:07] + Processing work unit
    [18:40:07] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
    [18:40:07] Core found.
    [18:40:07] Working on Unit 06 [May 13 18:40:07]
    [18:40:07] + Working ...

    And that will repeat over and over and over...until I stop the process.

    Think I'm going to have to. Thanks.

    Well really so am I, but the security of OpenBSD was just too good for me to pass up. If I can manage to find a firewall setup for Linux that's as good and efficient as my current /etc/pf.conf I'm going to go back to Linux. Compatibility mode just doesn't work as good as it should.

    Try Guarddog for base setup, then use Webmin in Linux and then look at the docs for iptables-- . Mandrake 10 can be set so paranoid that even root has to renew PWs every 30 days-- adn has to remember thihs himself\herself. IF you really need a heavily security-tuned Linux, START with Astaro Linux. Have you ever read Robert L. Zeigler's "Linux Firewalls" in its Second Edition or a later edition??? ISBN: 0-7357-1099-6. Awesome book. Myself, I am happy with SuSE 9.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    This is courtesy of the FAQs at Gromacs.org:
    Everything compiles fine, but when I try to run a program it complains about not finding libXXXX.so.

    GROMACS and/or the FFTW package can be compiled with shared libraries. In fact, it's the default setup in the Linux RPMs. This means we save space by not linking all the routines into each binary, but call the shared library at runtime. Of course, this requires that you can find the library at runtime. For the GROMACS distribution programs we hardcode the location of the GROMACS and FFTW libraries, but if you compile your own programs or move your libraries you must tell the system where to find them! Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. On Linux you can do it permanently for all users if you are root, by adding the search path to the file /etc/ld.so.conf. Alternatively, you can add it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/lib"

    (This is valid for tcsh, for bash you should use export instead.) Ask your local sysadm how to add it to your login file so it's done automatically each time you log on.

    Link to Gromacs.org:

    See if that helps your OpenBSD also, in supporting Core_78 which is a Gromacs core.

  • jgoguenjgoguen Fredericton, NB, Canada
    edited May 2004
    Wow. Thanks a bunch. I think Im just going to put the folding on hold for a few days while I get some blank CDs and download and evaluate a few versions of Linux...based on non-user reviews of course. Users are just a little biased toward their distro, no? ;)
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited May 2004
    How to Fold on FreeBSD

    I dont know much about Linux Distros so I dont know if the Open and free are the same or even somewhat similar. Hope that sticky helps.
  • jgoguenjgoguen Fredericton, NB, Canada
    edited May 2004
    OpenBSD and FreeBSD are totally different operating systems, focusing on two different things. OpenBSD focuses on security, while FreeBSD focuses on compatibility with all architechures and speed. Right now, FreeBSD supports about 50 unique architechures, and is noticably faster than any other OS, even the other BSD systems (although what you're going to do with that extra couple nanoseconds...;) )The F@H Linux client actually runs in FreeBSD mode, which doesn't always work. I had a friend try it, and he's been using OpenBSD since version 1.5, and even after opening his ports and running the client as root, he couldn't get it working either. Turns out the downloaded executable registers as unrecognized.
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