KVM's are awsome!
Formatting on one PC, and getting new drivers for both systems before formatting the other. IT'S WANDERFUL!!
Playing City of Hero's on one PC, and checking stuff on my other PC during boring team rest periods, AWSOME!
Rendering 3D on one, working on websites on the other... TERRIFIC!
Sorry, had to rejoice. :celebrate
Playing City of Hero's on one PC, and checking stuff on my other PC during boring team rest periods, AWSOME!
Rendering 3D on one, working on websites on the other... TERRIFIC!
Sorry, had to rejoice. :celebrate
Yeah, I like them too.... Pop in on a client's computer that is upgradign itself or virus scanning itself or defragging itself, hop to linux box, check email, hop to XP box, make some notes to my self ina scheduler app, etc.... Fun city, but mine is a simple one that is only a four porter....
Nice class of things, KVMs.
Second mouse is on my mousepad, second keyboard in my lap, second Internet conenction via Windows XP Internet Connection Sharing and the 1394 cards in both machines.
If I ever bought a full-fledged KVM switch, it would have to be rackable.
We run 2 of them, 4 ports each. Now need to hook up a second screen to our main computer and we'll be as flash as a rat with a gold tooth.
So, for those that rejoice. Can't say i blame you.