9700 Pro to a 9800 Pro
Ran across your article dated march 23,03 on turning a 9700 Pro to a 9800 Pro. Had difficulty with the patch (atimtag.exe) link, was a dead link. Anyone know where I might be able to find said animal??? Been very unhappy with my 9700 pro with my Medal of Honor Spearhead Multiplayer game, just can't seem to get the fps up to where other guys say their fps are with lesser systems and cards. For that matter, has anyone that changed their 9700 Pro to a 9800 Pro got any feedback on how it treated them??? I'm running a P4, 2.53, 1Ghz Ram, 9700 Pro, cable modem, good pings. Thanks!!!!
When the article says "no risk" does that mean it's not even doing anything to default clocks? Can I turn this thing back if I don't like it? A system restore would do the trick right?
NM.... just read the WHOLE article, depressing... :P :banghead:
I was a little bummed, I had high hopes..lol
So I thought no problem, a system restore should roll it all back..so I started and was amazed to find that my system restore had been turned off !! So, after another *groan* got it rolled back to the old 9700 pro settings.
I've been reading the responses here, as to whether or not this can actually be done and if a guy could realize a noticeable improvement. I do thank everyone for their comments, if nothing else, more of an edjumacation for the inner workings of my box has been gained if nothing else. Was hoping to stall the inevitable...the plunking down of my hard-earned, greenback-frogbellies for one of the new 256 Mb cards....and with the latest offerings from both ATI and Nvidia, yes that is drool that I wipe away from the dry mouth. Again, Thanks everyone!!! MR DAVE
Yup. Just tried here. Same error. Same res with the same 256 colors. :thumbsdow (I'm using XP Pro) Dangit, I actually thought it was gonna work! Luckily though, my system restore was still on, and I had created a restore point just in case things like this might happen. :banghead:
To be honest, the only way the 9700 Pro to 9800 Pro might work for a relatively long term is to OC the GPU and have unusually FAST RAM mounted on card in relatively huge amounts. The only other way to have this work is to have a 9800 Pro mismarked as a 9700 Pro and sold as such, or have a 9700 Pro card with a mismarked 9800 Pro GPU on it. Normally this kind of overclocking results in a situation that yeilds sudden and unusually rapid card death absent extreme measures of cooling and lots of very fast GRAM (both at once).
As HardOCP and others have shown, the norm is the opposite result when trying this kind of thing. Failure of free GPU gen upgrading via software of any sort is the norm.
I am calling no-one a lier here, simply saying this is so unusually and faintly possible that it might need further investigation.
John D.