Breaking News!

I figured I would pass this on as an alert to *nix users.
Two things are happening in tandem that could radically impact Open Source, especially in Europe first and throughout the European Union. mandrakesoft alerted me to this, and if wanted I will post an email to show source, but they said essentially this:
Patent Law is being considered in the European Union which if passed would result in Universal Software Patents on algorithms. Thus, something used as an algorithm in one platform woudldhave to be licensed by folks who wish to use the algortihm in other operating systems.
Add to that this:
Microsoft is registering patent applications for open source algorithms. Especially those which are beign studied actively from implementation into EU regional versions of Windows in upcoming versions like Longhorn server.
Those two things together, plus Microsoft's benefits if the Universal Software Patent legislation is passed, can have world-wide implications over the next five years. the open source community is thinking that Microosft is behind this bill, introduced by a Republic of Ireleand rep to the EU governing and legislative bodies.
The European Parliment passed a less restrictive patent bill, which limits Software Patents to more specific uses of algorithms only. Mandrakesoft is saying that this position shold be retained.
I will not advocate one over the other here, nor try to cast blame in an advocative way, just want the ideas out for open evaluation. there are limited numbers of algorithms that can be used, period, in any given compiler generation of code. To allow an algorithm to be owned for all uses might be something we need to very heavily think about the repercussions of. And offer feedback to any reps we have, those of us who live in the EU. All I ask is this, let your positions be known to EU reps, because I as a global citizen cannot influence this well from within the US.
Two things are happening in tandem that could radically impact Open Source, especially in Europe first and throughout the European Union. mandrakesoft alerted me to this, and if wanted I will post an email to show source, but they said essentially this:
Patent Law is being considered in the European Union which if passed would result in Universal Software Patents on algorithms. Thus, something used as an algorithm in one platform woudldhave to be licensed by folks who wish to use the algortihm in other operating systems.
Add to that this:
Microsoft is registering patent applications for open source algorithms. Especially those which are beign studied actively from implementation into EU regional versions of Windows in upcoming versions like Longhorn server.
Those two things together, plus Microsoft's benefits if the Universal Software Patent legislation is passed, can have world-wide implications over the next five years. the open source community is thinking that Microosft is behind this bill, introduced by a Republic of Ireleand rep to the EU governing and legislative bodies.
The European Parliment passed a less restrictive patent bill, which limits Software Patents to more specific uses of algorithms only. Mandrakesoft is saying that this position shold be retained.
I will not advocate one over the other here, nor try to cast blame in an advocative way, just want the ideas out for open evaluation. there are limited numbers of algorithms that can be used, period, in any given compiler generation of code. To allow an algorithm to be owned for all uses might be something we need to very heavily think about the repercussions of. And offer feedback to any reps we have, those of us who live in the EU. All I ask is this, let your positions be known to EU reps, because I as a global citizen cannot influence this well from within the US.