Nero burns corrupt video
I am using Nero ( - I know, it's old...but it works!
) and sometimes when I burn 700MB of videos, (assorted clips, .mpeg/.avi/.wmv) lets say maybe 400+ files - the first 200 or so are ok, but the rest of them wind up corrupted somehow. Then at other times, I can burn a bunch of videos and they're ok. I should mention that while I am burning I don't run other programs, surf, etc. I tried reducing the write speed from 20x to 12x but that didn't help. Any ideas/suggestions would me most appreciated.

What brand of media?
Are you closing your sessions?
using maxell CD-R (700MB)
closing sessions (or finalizing as Nero puts it)
the thing that gets me, is that it's an "on again off again" problem :banghead:
Make sure there are no more than 255 files in any one folder. what can happen with a Nero version intended to burn according to rules used by O\Ss of Me and earlier is that DOSsy rules can be used.
Nero, over the years, has had issues with some video formats (variable by version, some versions had AVI problems, some mpeg problems), and even Ultra Edition 6 has had some some media CD problems that are still ebing patched. Right now it is mixed media, but for Earlier Neros some video types did nto get trecorded right as to file size in the TOC.
Another thing some people find is that some video files need to be burned as pure data, burning as pure Data CDs will not let them autorun as easily but will let you archive videos fine and you can transfer beck to HD and then play them. IF you burn as pure data, you can put them in folders and then you do not get over 255 entries per folder if careful.
IF this is XP and you have 5.5.9 involved, one other thing can be happening. I have seen XP unarchive files it has compressed itself and feed the uncompressed files to a burning program-- the burning program can get a directory entry showing compressed size, then get a bigger file. If this happens many times, what you get is an overrun burn where more data than Nero expects gets sent and there is no room for finalization entries to be made.
Third, Nero 5.5 had issues with certain speeds and finalizing if the media itself did not allow burning to that speed. try increments of 8X, like 8X, 16X, etc, and if you have large files prefer slower to faster. My Nero 5.5 and 6 both eject the CD when you are done and have closed out the burning wizard part, and taking the CD out manually before that has given me coasters in soem cases. Set Nero to eject CD when done, then let it, and do nto manually eject ina hurry, please.
I know, basics, but back to safe basics is best starting point when troubleshooting mysterious things that have had multiple causes. And in this case, with video files, that has occured with Nero. IF it does not work then, one of three things is probbaly happening-- you have XP, it is detectign a copyright, and is inhibiting the burn, OR you have files that are compressed subformats that are not being bunred to exact same size, or you have a dirty CD burner laser ehad or bad data flow. So, is anything else happening in the way of errors or buffers getting close to empty during burn that Nero shows you??? If you brun all one kind of video media file, for the types you have, does one type consistently fail??? Does a data burn the way I outlined work versus a video CD???
I have versions of 5.5 here but they are not your exact subversion, adn in fact all the subversions I have working here are LATER than your subversion, on XP. So, is the O\S being used XP??? IF yes, and it has Windows Media Player 9.0 on it, that media player has copyright protection and enforcement code in it. What I burn with here on the XP box, and it is reasonably stable, is Nero Burning ROM and that is after patching with patches gotten directly from Ahead Software's site. Those patches include video file compatibility fixes, and mixed CD audio\video patching. I do not burn much video pure CDs, what I have burned I burned as DATA CDs and can play the files after sticking them back on a HD reliably.
Note, for Nero 5.5 the latest update gotten from Ahead directly yields if you get into the previous versions archive in the downloads area, and the updates subsection, you will find it as first entry for Nero Burning ROM. Nero Express will not accept this upgrade, full Nero Burning ROM 5.5 will.
Start here to hunt upgrades avilable directly from Ahead-- if you want US english automatically, else try for German, or plain for a language choice. The updates will download ok, they check for registration key before installing these days for the most part.
It could also be a dirty laser head too, heh...I've had this burner for about 3 yrs now and never cleaned it. I did a defrag anyway, even though Windoze defrag utility said I didn't need to, and that seems to have helped a bit. I guess I have some more experimenting and changes to make, thanks again for your help.
About every 50 CD burns, my CD burners' laser heads get cleaned (both drives (two computers), same schedule). I go through about 300 CDs a year, mostly Linux ISOs for friends and myself, the ones that you CAN distribute legally. Coaster rate??? Less than 5%. Nero used on XP and 98 SE, K3B on Linux. I know the burn rates each drive likes, both use Verbatim media just fine. One of the drives IS three years old, the other 2+ years old.
I will tell you something about XP's defragmenter-- run it in units of three, it tries more for a performance improvement rather than a perfect defragmenting. so, running in groups of runs can improve things with each run, up to about groups of three or four unless the drive is REAL clean of fragments. If it is real clean, the second run will almost immediately complete.
Best of luck, happy could give you some ideas. I dunno what Thrax stuck in, I have him on ignore for a while-- a few months or so, minimum. If it helps you might quote him so I can see what he said and how it helped, he is our local grump.
I can relate to being grumpy, especially lately with my PC!
I was wondering if it might be the discs causing the trouble, since it is an infrequent problem. It just doesn't make sense that this problem happens off and on. I even disconnected from the net so I could shut down my AV and Firewall, because I thought maybe they (due to updates or something) were interfering somehow. Well...I burned about 4 CD's before I got yet another one with some of the files becoming corrupted again.
I bet it's either the CD's or a dirty laser head. I just don't know how to clean a CD Burner...can it be done with the same type of CD Lens cleaner used for CD ROM (disc with brushes), or is there a special one for burners? My brother gave me a can of compressed air, but I don't want to blast any dirt into other areas either. With my luck, it would go right into the hard drive and really mess things up for me!
So you said to run XP's defrag 3 times in a row? I never knew that repeating it would improve performance. I should have expected 33% from Microsoft for any given attempt!
Do not take apart and try to clean head.... Instead, and MAxell IS good fior THIS, get a Maxell CD-340 laser lense cleaning CD with the flexible brush on it. Run it in Media player or your audio player. Play track two for 3-4 times -- until tone ends each time. IF the bruner does not do better with the burnign after, it is not just a dirty head, or it is mostly medai.
There are two things with media that play into media being wrong or right.
First, each media is chemically different in fine details. Each media has codes that the burning software and the burner itself need to agree on for two things-- first, what speeds are acceptable for the media, and second how intense the laser beam has to be to record.
Memorex is decent, Verbatim decent, Imation works real well with come burners and not good with some. Maxell actually is tuned for Maxell mechs as far as burning media, but they make one heck of a decent Lense cleaning CD if you get that specific one. And you can clean the head without taking things apart and possibly getting the laser head housing out of alignment as easiest-to-do bad thing that could happen.
When you use this CD, you do not need the CD or any part of the burner wet, simply clean off the dust on the cleaning CD with a CD cleaning wipe first-- but be REAL, REAL, gentle around brushes. Wipe from center of CD to edges. Let it dry before running to clean. Maxell floppy drive read\write head cleaning floppies are decent also.
So, do this the easy way, OK??? In this case it is the best way unless you DO want to end up microadjusting the inside of the burner drive with it running, which is very dangerous.
This particular cleaning method can be used for cleaning DVD laser heads also.