Messenger Plus! 3 - Sunday, May 23rd

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited May 2004 in Science & Tech
Patchou has announced that the new version of his popular MSN Messenger add-on, Messenger Plus!, will be released late next weekend. Can't wait!
I am proud to announce that the final public version of Messenger Plus! 3 will be released soon, in only a week from now! The release of Messenger Plus! 3 marks a major milestone in the world of Messenger add-ons and can easily be compared to the revolution brought by Messenger Plus! 2 more than a year ago. The user interface has been completely redesigned, everything looks more professional and appealing than ever before, new features have been added, old features have been improved, all of them are more accessible, more useful, and simpler to use.

Messenger Plus! 3 will be released along with a brand new version of this web site, equivalently improved. The official public release date is Sunday, May 23rd 2004 at 8:00AM GMT. Prepare yourself for some serious change, MSN Messenger will never be the same!
Source: msgplus
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