Microsoft tunes up the Orchestra

After an array of announcements informing us Longhorn won't be as good as we were originally told it would be, Microsoft has reset the counter and started to shout about some of the other new technologies due to be introduced into the next version of Windows. Technologies that is, the software giant is more confident it can deliver on.
Source: TheInquirerThe latest prediction that the Redmond sleeping giant has ‘leaked’ to CNET is that it wants to embed core orchestration and workflow into Longhorn.
New workflow and orchestration technology, called the Windows Orchestration Engine will be ready for the Longhorn/Orcas time frame.
Basically Microsoft will adapt Windows Orchestration Engine into the Longhorn server operating system, in about 2007. It needs to do something like this anyway because much of the next Office 12 needs basic workflow and orchestration capabilities. So far the Microsoft Orchestra has been a standalone product, now it will be part of the infrastructure, just like Windows Media Player.