Ze Fop! She iz gone!
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Me and Mondi met up with Trax tonight to hand off his LAN shirt...... And much to our chagrin, ZE FOP, SHE WAZ GONE!
He now looks like an upstanding young citizen! Oh the horror!
He now looks like an upstanding young citizen! Oh the horror!
So I let it grow until today when I went with my brother and dad who were going also to get their hair cut.
I am the model of chic geek! Go me.
Wow! Hope it wasn't too painful. After getting a look at some of those pictures of me, I'm trying to work up the nerve to shave what little hair I have left off. My goal is to pull the trigger on it this weekend, if I don't chicken out first.
I got my hair cut one night before the lan, it was like over an inch long so it had to go. But the Fop was pimp man.
And oh yeah! PICS!!
Hey Thrax! That's a pretty sweet shirt. Where did you get that?
/me dials up le salon de local
The shirt is sweet, but I've said that before... ~join the dark side and go "buzz"....~
I have my beautiful wife cut my hair every 3 weeks... ~join the dark side and go "buzz"....~
You'll see.
Feet, Legs, Back, Arms, Neck, Face, and quite a head full, when it's not buzzed... I choose to BUZZ becasue.... I too lazy to style and wash the damn mop.
I can wash, dry, and style my hair in less than 30 seconds... The little travel bottles of shampoo that hotels give you... that lasts several days. My wife... She needs three of those for one shower...
I can see that the hair that is there maybe getting thin but I'm not sure, and I have no intention on letting it grow just to find out...
I'm jealous... Perhaps I should put up a poll about whether I should shave mine off this weekend... Damn, vanity sucks!