Motherboard Reviews This Week

Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
edited July 2003 in Science & Tech
Weekly review List<ul>
<li><a href="; target=_blank>Digital-Daily</a> : Gigabyte 7NNXP (NF2) (2003-07-07)
<li><a href=""target=_blank></a&gt; : Soltek NV400-64 review (2003-07-03)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>XbitLabs</a> reviews the Abit IC7 (i875) motherboard (2003-07-09)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>AMDZone</a> : FIC KT400 Pro (KT400A) (2003-07-10)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>TBreak</a> : Asus SK8N (NF3) Preview (2003-07-11)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>LiquidNinjas</a> : Abit NF7-S v2 (NF2 Ultra 400) mobo (2003-07-09)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>AMDZone</a> : ECS L7VTA Revision 1.1 (KT400A) (2003-07-12)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>3DExtreme</a> reviews the DFI KT400A Lan Party (KT400A) (2003-07-12)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>AMDZone</a> Reviews the Aopen AK77 400 Max (KT400A) Motherboard (2003-07-13)
<li><a href="; target=_blank>HardOCP</a> reviews the Epox 4PCA3+ (i875P) (2003-07-14)


  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    Just read the review of the 4PCA3+ and WOW! Seems like Epox has released a better bios now. Killer board for all types of usage.
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited July 2003
    Heh, heh, heh! ;D
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