Indexing PC Content

oCoMiKoCoMiK Oswego, IL
edited May 2004 in Science & Tech
About five years I became aware of product called Enfish that would go out and index all of the files on your PC. This index could then be queried and would provide a matching document list. It worked for all major document types and e-mail as well.

The nice thing about it was if you were working on a particular project, you could use the Enfish client to locate every document that referenced that particular project on your PC.

Although the concept was intriguing, the product was still brand new and it seemed like I was spending more time on the phone with tech support than I was using their product. I eventually gave it up.

Five years later, I've begun my search again. I recently came across a product called "Scopeware Vision"; however, it appears that they have just recently decided to cease operations so I'm not even sure I could purchase the product if I wanted to.

I'm interested in finding out if other users have experiences with working with PC indexing software and what the results have been. Also any information such as manufacturers, products, web sites, etc... would be appreciated.

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