Iwill ZMAXdp SFF Dual Opteron Box

Hexus takes apart the Iwill ZMAXdp Dual Opteron SFF Box.
Source: Hexus.net
Exciting Stuff!While the photographs don't give the entire game away, the basic construction, motherboard layout and cooling system are clear to see. My personal concerns lie in routing the power cable to the port under the cooling unit, and lack of SATA, but it appears to be quite the engineering showcase. Cramming dual Opteron into such a form factor is impressive, the Opteron itself lending the largest helping hand to such a design, its thermal characteristics making it possible.
The ZMAXdp is sampling at the end of July and IWill will be showing it off at Computex soon.
Source: Hexus.net
that .. i ..
never mind
/me is speechless