RESOLVED: Hard Drives Powering Down The Power On!?!?!?!
Usually during hard drive activity my hard drives will suddenly power down then power back up. This occurs on all my drives.
Note: I have 2 Raptor 36GB in RAID 0
Secondary RAID 0 is 2 Western Digital SE 80GB
I've had this setup for six months and no problems now
Please help...
Note: I have 2 Raptor 36GB in RAID 0
Secondary RAID 0 is 2 Western Digital SE 80GB
I've had this setup for six months and no problems now

Please help...
How often does this happen? Any other effects you notice? (heat, room temp @ the time)
The drives in those arrays can probably suck back a combined 100W or so. Given an average system built around them you should have a 400W+ quality PSU in there...
i dont know if you have done this, but its worth a try.
oh and if you are in XP the control panel is in Classic View
Also, check your BIOS settings. IF you have a Power Management setting that is too agressive, or out of sync with Window's settings, this can happen and require soemthing as bad as a reset to get out of-- If you are not losing data this way and the drives are just spinning down, could be PSU or the drives energy use mgt algorithms just kicking in and with RAID if noe side of a mirro shuts down the whole mirror suspends. Then, because mirror is brokenly suspended, other drive is not getting data, so it does an energy use PM spindown. If not data is lost, fine-- if data lost, there is a LARGE DRIVE update that will keep XP from shutting down HDs without more delay, and this update might help a mirrored RAID setup indirectly as it keeps the BIOS from seeing drives as powered down and keeps windows from using PM on HD devices as suddenly-- delay before each shutdown is made greater. BUT, if you have BIOS set to shut things down too fast, BIOS will ignore windows and shut down things by those rukles and the first Widnwos will know about it is when it happens. Get large drive update plus chack BIOS, and check the PM in XP. Combo of all three, not just one. XP as built in Home and Pro was tuned for 80 GB drives and down through about 40 GB drives-- 120's are far enough out of this range that the large drive shutdown delay update (which increases time from last write and time minimum allowed for writes by XP) can help a mirrored raid install a lot as well as not lose data on large drives when XP is shutdown or restarted.
So, if you have BIOS set to impose radical PM in a short time, then BIOS can preempt other software and if BIOS is slacker but compatibly set, XP can totally control things and with a RAID setup that is what you WANT. Either match or exceed in terms of SLOWER in BIOS what is in XP, or BIOS can preempt XP.
If this does not help, THEN R&R PSU and swap in a bigger capacity one.
But a UPS is something that is needed, good that your friend got one. If APC UPS's fail, APC provides an umbrella to pay for system damage. This will vary by UPS quality grade. That umbrella covers connected components, and can be $3,000-$100,000's of dollars depending on the UPS array size and quality grade. So your friend not only got power protection physically, but also has insurance for the guaranteed life of the UPS he purchased. I have a UPS here with a self-test function that works and the UPS works even after Charley and then Frances came through our area. It is an APC Backups Pro 1100. In fact, it supplied power as Frances went by and I was working on a customers box on another UPS at same time most of the time Frances went by. During the time Charley went through I and the bigger UPS and my business box were about 70 miles south in Naples, FL. The box had no online connect, but processed digital camera files AS Charley hit Punta Gorda and power faded in and out in Naples. I am using the same UPS here and it still self-tests fine, and the computers(both of mine and my mother's box which runs on yet another APC UPS at need) are solid as a pair of computing rocks. No hardware nor file system damge on either box.
The computers and Bigger UPS also survived intact a 700+ mile trip to and from Valdosta, Georgia when my mother decided to bail when Ivan was charted as coming right our way (she insisted I go with her). That track changed, we came home. I am home now and back to normal computer use. APC has been known for decades for its UPS technology, and I have had many experiences with UPS from them. The UPS the customer box was on as Frances blew by was mfr'd in the mid 1990's, still has original parts and functions fine. It is an APC Backup 280.
EVERYTHING except the laser printer here runs off APC UPS technology-- as far as computers go. The laser printer was protected by a Tripplite IsoBar multilevel (multiple levels of MOV and other surge suppression stages) surge suppression strip that is OVER thirteen years old and has been in use in three states and still works fine. That strip is about $50.00 worth of anti-surge technology (at thirteen plus year old prices), and was worth its weight in Gold almost for the protection it gave and still gives multiple systems over the years in three states-- it still functions fine.
Sorry to "run on a bit," I wanted to illustrate points with real world cases. I highly recommend APC and Tripplite industrial grade power suppression and UPS technology. Both brands back up thier words with a money guarantee of protection in case of failure.