Card for GIS Work
I'll be starting a research assistantship soon, and I want to submit a proposal for the new computer that is going to be bought. Does anyone know a good card to use for GIS (Geographic Information Systems) work? 2D is paramount over 3D.
I've read some reviews at parts sites and I've heard good things about the more powerful ATI cards due to their color and 2d detail. A Matrox card would probably be best, followed by a 3dlabs card, but I'm not sure they're worth twice the price. Dual (or triple) monitors probably isn't in the budget, so isn't really a considering factor. Right now I'm leaning towards a 9800 Pro. Right now I do GIS on a Rage 128. Bleh!
I've set up a Newegg wish list for it:
I've read some reviews at parts sites and I've heard good things about the more powerful ATI cards due to their color and 2d detail. A Matrox card would probably be best, followed by a 3dlabs card, but I'm not sure they're worth twice the price. Dual (or triple) monitors probably isn't in the budget, so isn't really a considering factor. Right now I'm leaning towards a 9800 Pro. Right now I do GIS on a Rage 128. Bleh!
I've set up a Newegg wish list for it:
End of story.
If you can't budget for the Parhelia, at least get the P750.
Anybody know any major OEM's that carry Parhelias?
It just sucks that they're willing to spend twice as much just for simplicity's sake. Now I know how the OEMs stay afloat in the age of Newegg