4GB USB Memory Drive Debuts
4GB Compact Flash card has debuted, but Kanguru is the first to release a 4GB flash drive. The KanguruMicro 2.0 drive can even hold 8GB data, assuming 2:1 data compression.
Source: Everything USB
Nice capacity but that price hurts. -KingFishAt a cost of $1699.95, you can get one Apple PowerBook 12" or six Apple iPod Mini 4GB. Comparatively, the iPod Mini 4GB uses Hitachi’s mechanical miniature hard drive whereas the KanguruMicro 2.0 utilizes NAND flash memory. A 4GB Compact Flash card by Lexar is also several hundred dollars less expensive than the KanguruMicro 2.0.
Source: Everything USB
Ok I'm starting to worry myself