My newly built computer has harddrive booting issues
My new 667 X2 Pentium 3 system can't seem to boot the harddrive. Have tried two harddrives, onboard and pci ide, messed with lots of settings, can't get to work, it says some disk boot failure error. What can this be? The drives work perfectly a few hours ago in another computer. What settings might I be missing from the P3 era. The mother board is an asus 440 chipset.
I didn't at first, but then tried it that way after it not working.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :bawling:
Sorry to be so full of questions when I know that what you are looking for are answers. More info will help us help you out.
yes, but only in the setup, not always when booting, but usually. Jumpers are correct, can't go wrong with one master one slave, simple, checked to much. One ide cable, also tried 2 with each on a master. 80 pin cable yes.