DNS Troubles
Missouri Member
I will try to explain the problem the best I can. One of the companies I work for is having some problems.. The clients are using active directory and the server is set up to do DNS. The problem is that when the clients are set up to get DNS from the server they can't access the internet but they will be able to get files off the server. If you set the clients to use the public DNS supplied by the ISP they can get to the internet but sometimes they won't be able to access files on the server, or it will be really slow accessing files/folders. Do you all have any ideas of how I should set this up to get everything working? TIA I really need it
This site explains how http://www.petri.co.il/configure_dns_forwarding.htm
Administrative tools->DNS->*right click on DNS server of choice*->forwarders->
Add an IP of your clients ISP DNS, I have four entries just incase my ISP's go down at work..
//Edit: Beaten by Necropolis.. but only because I was doing a screenshot
I will give that a try when I head over there today. Thank you both! :Rocker:
Too slow :ukflag:
The server is a dual xeon (I forget the speed) and there are only ~10 client computers, I doubt it's being overloaded.
//EDIT: I figured it out, I will post how when i get a chance.
That would be this page then
Yep, that's how to fix it. Thanks for all your help everyone!