Shuttle SK41 Issues w/ Quicktime
I'm having an issue where I can't get Quicktime video clips to display properly on a SK41G Shuttle. I've built 5 of these great little units, and so far, only one works correctly. I'm running the latest drivers/bios, XP Pro, etc. I've reinstalled Quicktime, but no dice. The video is extremely blocky and garbled. Sound works fine.
Any ideas??
Any ideas??
Yes, the clips work fine on non-shuttle boxes... I will go to and upgrade my VIA drivers. Maybe that will do it. Someone said too that the Shuttles are tempermental with bitrate of videos. Not sure if that's true or not.
P.S. I bought the XP 2600+ 333MHz chips. They only show as 1.25GHz in windows... Any ideas on that?
At any rate, you have to physically set the jumper to change the FSB.
I did some work this evening and found that the problem doesn't happen until I install the S3 Graphics ProSavage DDR drivers (ver.4.40). When I install them, I have issues with QT video clips being garbled. My workaround for this is to set the hardware acceleration down to "Disable all DirectDraw and Direct 3D accelerations". That's one notch below half way on the scale.
Anyone know where I might find older versions of the drivers around to play with?
Actually, that's the version (11/02) that I'm using. I'm wondering if there are any other versions to try...
In the end, I can work around this issue in one of three ways:
- Use default XP video drivers to give me 32bit 800x600
- Use the ProSavage 6.13 drivers and turn hardware acceleration down
- Purchase a cheap AGP card
Since these SK41G's are being used in a touch-screen kiosk application, probably the default drivers would be fine. I'm not sure what the ProSavage drivers offer over the XP default drivers, but I'm not all that crazy about having to turn down the hardware acceleration either. It's strange that only Quicktime video clips are affected. And on ALL 5 units that I've built. If anyone has a SK41G, or similar, I'd be interested to know if you can play a .mov file.
Any thoughts?
It's build 13.93. I unzipped it, went to the Display driver in my device manager, selected 'update drivers', and pointed it to that directory. It updated a bunch of files, rebooted, and now all is well! I can run my Quicktime videos and MPEG 1 videos without any hiccups. My hardware acceleration is all the way to full too...
This 'patch' worked on all five SK41G boxes that I use.
Thanks all.