Fold for 3 1/2 days.....corrupt WU...ARGH!!

dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
edited June 2004 in Folding@Home
My poor old folding puter, Athlon 850, been slogging away at a tinker for 3.5 days, only to get corrupted for no apparent reason. :banghead:

Looks like the points are lost. Was a good one too, a P638. :bawling:

Posted this message at Stanford,
hoping someone there might feel sorry me and give me my dues.
Looks like my dues are all 0's. :-/

The puter has not been touched as i have been busy helping Sally with hers.
Guess you win some and lose some. :rolleyes:

Jon A.

ps The new WU is the same as the corrupted one. Guess i'll have to suck & see.
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