Memorex Dvd burner value?
What do you all think of this memorex dvd burner. I paid $140.00 including taxes for this at Staples. It comes with Nero 6.0 (which i like). The link is for Best Buy but its the same model and best buy is on back order . Comments on Memorex products?, better brand for the same money? You guys tell me what u think.
If the link doesnt work its a True8x dual format internal (model number 32023269 at
If the link doesnt work its a True8x dual format internal (model number 32023269 at
How about 69 bucks plus shipping brand new? Half what you paid but excluding shipping
NEC - name brand, half the price
Take a look at the Pioneer DVR-107, which is the best in the world. $90.
With dvd-ram I can right click on it in my computer and format a disk with fat32 and treat it just like a hard disk. Copy delete etc... and you won't know the differance other then speed. They rewrite a hundred thousand + times. for daily archives they are so cool.
And you give up nothing because it burns dvd-r's and +r's and rw's of course just like any other drive.
DVD-RAM is just the iceing on the cake
I bought two 50 disk spindles of new TDK 2.6 gb dvd-ram without the cartridge for like 13 bucks a for 50 disks direct from TDK. This isnt for copying movies but its all I use to install my OS's and stuff because there are in a cartridge so they are protected. I'm really rough on my disks. Thrown all over my desk... on the floor, on top of the computers and god only knows where else. And unless you step on it and crush the cartdridge soemhow (and I never have anyway) then its almost imnpossible to hurt these suckers. You can format them and read and write from dvd-ram just like a hard drive. And they copy stuff to disks like a hard drive from the rim inward. So you start at the fastest part. When burning a dvd its from the inside out so you don't get to the fast part until your at the end of a disk.
You can format them in fat32 and just copy crap to them as if they were a huge floppy dfisk or hard disk or use nero to "burn" a dvd-ram if you need it bootable or something. I keep a library of all my important disks in ISO format on the network and burn from there. I almost never ever copy a cd or dvd from another disk itself.