putting toghther old system I bought and I cant get any video. tried 2 different cards, took battery out to reset cmos, monitor works on another system. Boots up and looks like it tries to boot off the cd-rom but cant see anything. Any ideas guys?
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
K it had a 1GHz duron but I tried my 750MHz duron. Out of 6 reboots with the 750 I saw one command prompt and a bios. then blank. sometimes the screen would look like it was going to display something then sometimes nothing. Put the 1GHz in and boom nothing booted but no screen and monitor light was yellow for no signal
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
edited June 2004
Maybe the PSU is not giving the 1ghz enough juice or the board is just fubared.