which p4 should i get?
I have 1gb geil ultra pc4400, but i need an excellent overclocking cpu to go with it. My current 2.8c will do no more than 3.5ghz (ddr500/fsb250 X 4 = 1000).
Should i get a 2.4a (533fsb, no HT, 1mb L2---$124), 2.4c (800fsb, HT, 512 L2---$169), or 2.6c (800fsb, HT, 512 L2---$171)?
Anybody have any experience with these cpu's and uber-fast memory? Maybe it is something else holding back my oc? Would water-cooling allow me to reach the coveted 1100mhz fsb?
Should i get a 2.4a (533fsb, no HT, 1mb L2---$124), 2.4c (800fsb, HT, 512 L2---$169), or 2.6c (800fsb, HT, 512 L2---$171)?
Anybody have any experience with these cpu's and uber-fast memory? Maybe it is something else holding back my oc? Would water-cooling allow me to reach the coveted 1100mhz fsb?
You also don't mention your mobo, which *could* be the limiting factor. Have you run your memory faster out of sync to test its upper limit?
haven't tried asynch yet....but i think I am at my cpu limit @ 3.5ghz. When it's @ 255fsb, prime95 fails after a few minutes. My cpu is @ 1.6v, and extra juice doesn't help either.
Starting to think that my North Bridge is overheating. The original abit hsf died awhile ago, and i replaced the fan with a little thermaltake one. I just used the original blue hs, but took off acouple of fins so that the fan would fit flush on top. Might need to do something about that too....
just a thought.
In any case, you wont find any useable difference in your computer's speed between 250 fsb and 275 fsb. 3.5 is danged fast, you get a 2.4C to 275 (1100) fsb it will only be running 3.3 and likely most apps *ever so slightly* slower than your 2.8C @ 3.5.
Could be the northy but I think you have it nailed when you say it's likely the cpu.
and for runnning asynch, i tried 5:4(cpu:ram), and i still can't get over 3.5ghz. So it's the cpu?
How can i get my ram running faster than the cpu? I only have the options of running 1:1,3:2,5:4(cpu:ram). I can't switch to 4:5 or anything. So my memory would be running slower than the cpu no matter what.......my memory is not holding me back it seems..........it's not even running close to its spec of 275fsb.
I just want to see if my memory is capable of running as fast as it is rated. My current cpu, and maybe motherboard are the limiting factors?
Now if you want to work out a trade for mine, we might be able to work something out. I have pc4000 Corsair and I'm having to run 5:4 to run at this fsb speed and with a 2.8 I could run 1:1 and have a lot better memory bandwidth.
I'd kind of be interested in that if I had PC4200 or PC4400 for my rig. As it is I have PC3700 so I'd rather get a bigger proc but still...
I have read recently of 3.8-4.0 overclocks out of Prescott procs though, without using phase change.
Thanx for explaining that. 3.8 - 4.0Ghz eek!
Oh well, as this board will only be watercooled till I get my Amd 64 system up and running I've decided to go for a 2.4c P4. Also it will be running on RWB's old IS-7 board therefore it's probably good that I didn't go for a Presshott as it might not be able to take the strain. The stepping on the 2.4c is M0 SL6Z3, a quick google on this has revealed that it might be a good o/clocker. only time will tell, end of thread hi-jack:).
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