New to wireless...

NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
edited June 2004 in Science & Tech
Ok so my dad got wireless for his PALM and laptop earlier this year and my friend recently just got a bunch of wireless stuff. Today he came over with his Dell Axim and was able to get a good connection to his stuff at home with that so now we want to be able to be on the same network so that we can share files, play LAN games etc...

I have a D-Link 614+ Wireless Broadband Router. On the back is a WAN port then 4 extra other ports (+ the power hehe)

Currently I am connected to a Netgear 16 port router. 1 cable goes from the wall to the router... the other from the router to my computer (obviously)

My question is... How do I set up my wireless router and still be able to connect to the regular internet. I tried the D-Link site but I don't really understand how to configure it starting from scratch... Do I need 1 more cable to go from my router to the wireless router to be able to configure it?


  • maggie99635maggie99635 Alaska
    edited June 2004
    You will have to connect the wireless to a port on the wired. Connect that to a port on the wireless also. Don't use the WAN port. You have to change the wireless to accesspoint mode.

    Let the Netgear be the DHCP Server. The instructions should be in the pdf manual for the D Link. Check to see if it needs a firmware upgrade to be able too do the above. You will have to give it an IP addy on the network so you can get into it for any configuring in the future.

    An access point would have been a better option since you want to use a wired router also. I have used a wireless router as an access point but it can be a hassle if there are connection problems. I lucked out and never had to get into my wireless router, just unplugged and replugged a couple of times to reset it.
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited June 2004
    You could disable dhcp on the wired router and just give it a lan ip addy, then do all dhcp and firewalling through the wireless router. This is essentially converting the wired router to a switch.

    Thats how I do it. Very easy to set up and very little overhead.
  • MancabusMancabus Charlottesville, VA
    edited June 2004
    How many ports of the netgear do you use? If 4 or less you can use the 4 port router functions of the d-link. Plus you get the benefits of the wireless. You would plug the internet connection into the WAN Port and your computer into the one of the 1-4 router ports. And if you wanted to use the 16 porter then just do as formfactor said.
  • NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
    edited June 2004
    The netgear is a 16 port switch and the D-Link thing is 4 + WAN.

    Yeah... I just gotta get it so I can connect to the D-Link and do all the configuring and update the firmware... Just got back from a camping trip tho so now I should have some time to set this up.

    Thanks guys :D
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