DVD Forum approves HD-DVD-ROM Spec
A steering committee of the DVD Forum has approved the final specification of one potential successor of today's DVD. The HD-DVD-ROM will carry one or two data layers with a total capacity of up to 30 GByte. First drives are expected within the next twelve months.
Source: Tom'sAccording to the Forum, the 12-centimeter HD-DVDs discs will be available with single and dual data layers offering 15 or 30 GByte capacity. Compared to Blue-ray, NEC and Toshiba, believe that HD-DVDs can be manufactured cheaper since the discs use the same layer height as common DVDs. The firms believe that read-only HD-DVDs as well as HD-DVD drives will be available as early as the beginning of 2005.
I'm just glad this got approved and not Blu-Ray. AOD uses the same 650nm red laser pickup head as existing DVD anything. It eventually switches to Blue/Violet lasers to read AOD content, however it can use the laser pickup head to read existing DVD content, whereas Blu-Ray could <i>not</i> read existing DVDs.