radion 9500 pro what is best to over clock it with any help please

edited June 2004 in Hardware
hi i have a tiny system running xp it is 1.6 pentium 4 and have have doubled the ram to 500 and put the hard drive up 200 gig and installed radion 9500 pro card..since you dudes no a lot more than me about overclocking where is the best place to start and what would be the best software to use to over clock my card ..if you need more specs ie mother board and stuff i will put that on to ..any help would be great cheers for any help sheriffdude :celebrate


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited June 2004
    the easiest software to use would probably be AtiTool, since it finds max overclocks for mem and core FOR you
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited June 2004
    I know with my 9500pro I had to intall a new bios on it to get to overclock. I havn't over clocked it in a good while but I think my top OC was 350core 325mem.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited June 2004
    TheBaron wrote:
    the easiest software to use would probably be AtiTool, since it finds max overclocks for mem and core FOR you

    Sounds kinda cool going to have to check that out.
  • tophericetopherice Oak Ridge, TN
    edited June 2004
    Omega drivers for ATI include RadLink and AtiTool. Check it out here they'll prolly also have the bios or a link to the bios if you need to flash to OC.
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