How To Fold Using OpenBSD

mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
edited June 2004 in Folding@Home
Awhile Back someone asked how to fold under OpenBSD. Being the Linux n00b that I am I posted a link to a FreeBSD How-To Installer. The same user also posted how to folding using OpenBSD. I hope this may help some of you guys.
Make sure you have openbsd 3.5 or later installed
As root type the following commands:

sysctl -w kern.emul.linux=1
echo 'kern.emul.linux=1 # enable running Linux binaries' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
cd /usr
tar xzf ports.tar.gz
cd /usr/ports/emulators/redhat/base
make install

Now download the Linux Console version 4 as regular user, eg:

mkdir fold
cd fold
chmod +x FAH4Console-Linux.exe

place it in folding directory. Run it and wait until it finish downloading and extracting the core files, then kill it by typing Ctrl C. Then typing in the following command

elf2olf -o linux FahCore_*.exe

Run FAH4Console-Linux.exe again. Now it should fold correctly. Note that you have to do this each time the FAH4Console download a new core. Otherwise, you just see client errrors can not excecute core etc...

Enjoy a new treat
woo hoo! I can fold in OPENBSD
Source: Folding Community


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