primesuspect Smears 350K!!!
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
I had to go back and check this because it blew my mind, but prime is cranking out the points to the tune of 50K every three weeks. Congrats on 350,000 Big Ones!!!
:Rocker: AWESOME! :Rocker:
I just worked out if nothing in my folding rate changes, it'd take me 87,500 years to get that many points. So look out prime, I'm a commin.
Well done by the way.sniff.
Although I just found out today one loss:
I upgraded my sister's computer from her old athlon 1000, which had been folding for me for a year or so, to a P4 1800 - finally got her a processor and memory for her gigabyte board that she won at the LAN. Well, I was excited to upgrade from the 1000mhz to 1.8ghz, but then today she switched it to her name Well, it's her computer, so I guess she's entitled to it
Congrats and nice job and to think production is ramping up... Looks like I'll need to add to my farm!
That is staggering!!
Excellent dedication.
Cheers mate
Crypto :ukflag:
I want to be just like you when I grow up... LOL
Good job, Congrats