Simple HTML "Submit Form" page (to email)
Cleveland, Ohio ("round on the ends, high in the middle")
I would like to create a simple web page input form that will send the results to an email address, which will then read the results and automatically update the database (in GoldMine). I am using Dreamweaver and beyond "beginner" level but not experienced in writing JS, PHP, etc. I can do the input stuff also. The only thing I need is the commands to make the submission of data to an email. Does anyone have a simple HTML web page form that will do this?
I can probably come up with something but you need to find out what API's are possible with Goldmine for writing to it's database. Is it proprietary? Is it ODBC compliant?
Plus, a webform would be on and go onto a server, Im assuming your goldmine database and app isn't on the same machine.
Bit more information needed please
Do you have any knowledge of a server-side scripting language (eg.. PHP or ASP)?
In the first example you'd want to change action="". When the user hits submit you'll get a message with info. I can't remember if there's any formatting available ... but I'm pretty sure its minimal.
If you're planning on using the information you've gleaned on your webpage then it'll take a bunch of other programming.
Note that the form submit would be sent in plaintext email .. not something you want to do if you're sending passwords.