Memory disappearing...

entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
edited June 2004 in Hardware
So, my system has been running for maybe a day, since I had to reboot for something. Now, in MyIE2, it can show system memory available. Please note that all I'm doing is dual folding, downloading, and chatting. Soooo...I open up MyIE2 and all the sudden...28 megs of ram?! WTF!? Now it's up to 60. I don't get it. From what I've checked in Task Manager, there's no way it should be down to (now 44 megs). I would say it should be down to 200~300 left, as an estimate. Is there any way that some hidden virus could just be chewing up memory? This just isn't normal. On a side note, if it has anything to do with it, I've noticed that lately it's been taking 2-3 times as long to shut down. From the time I started typing this, I can see it dropping...maybe took me 8 minutes to write this (I'm watching TV, too:p) and now it's down to 29 megs again :banghead:


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited June 2004
    1) task manager is wrong. i have no idea where it gets those #'s, but at best they're only representative of how much ram these proggy's are actually using

    2) IE can be a ram hog, especially with a bunch of windows open. i mean a BIG ram hog. downloading enhances this problem
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited June 2004
    Well, downloading was using Overnet. The weird thing is this...I ran MemMax. Usually that doesn't work all that great. So I told it to free up ram to around ~350 megs. Viola. I'm now at 341. So it's almost like Windows, or some program, just forgot to unload it's files. Is there anyway I can stop this from happening?

    p.s. - I can still see it dropping...megabyte by disappearing megabyte...
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited June 2004
    overnet and bittorrent will kill your ram, period. i wouldn't worry about it, just clear your ram before you game
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited June 2004
    Have you did a virus scan. I would also just boot up, and not use any programs but say MYIE2 and see how your ram is.
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