Ask Jeeves Boosts Excite E-Mail Storage
Ask Jeeves will follow the trend among providers of free Web-based e-mail service of boosting in-box capacity. The company will increase storage to 125MB for the e-mail services it offers from its My Way, Excite, and iWon Web portals, the company is announcing this week.
Source: PCWorldAt the same time, Ask Jeeves will swim against the current in the search engine space with its decision to no longer let companies pay a fee to have their Web sites included in the Ask Jeeves search index. In the e-mail space, the move will increase in-box capacity from 6MB on iWon and My Way and from 3MB on Excite, says Scott Garell, the company's executive vice president of sites and search. "We've shown success in building [Internet services] that meet user needs, and this is another step in that direction," Garell says.