Animated smilies/avatars don't animate..
Hi guys, I'm updating Sally's signature since we have added a few more puters.
I noticed none of the smilies move, including any of the animated avatars, like hers.
I'm sure there is an easy way to fix this, just not too sure how to go about doing it.
I hope this is in the correct section as i believe it is a Graphics problem. I'm sure it will get moved if i'm wrong, lol.
Thanks in advance
I noticed none of the smilies move, including any of the animated avatars, like hers.
I'm sure there is an easy way to fix this, just not too sure how to go about doing it.
I hope this is in the correct section as i believe it is a Graphics problem. I'm sure it will get moved if i'm wrong, lol.
Thanks in advance
Hi shwaip. Back on my own puter, which runs the same security as Sally's. Same firewall, same anti-virus, etc. Difference is, mine works ok.
Though i have not checked Sally's, mine does have the occasional problem with some pictures/gif's or jpeg. Not sure which it is. Shows the dreaded RED X. Fortunately not too often.
A2Jfreak has something in his sig i can't see. Directly under his Folding score, all i see is the red X.
Not really important i guess, more a nuisance.
It's not just this forum either where Sally can't see animation. When clicking onto Stanford to check the scores, the little red sliding bar, moving from left to right whilst the page is loading does not work either.
Does on mine.
Make life easy....Get a computer....Yeah, Right, lol.
Would love to do that Marc, just again, have no idea how. Been looking at the puters Sally has in her sig (done by me) and since getting more, its taking up too much space. Might just put a few basics in it instead, like: 10 puters, 17 WU's, 29Gig for folding and delete the rest.
I don't have IE on this computer (at work currently), but there's one of the options is "view animations in web pages". Make sure it's checked. It's in internet options, and IIRC it's the rightmost tab.
As for the sig, I think that if you set up a marquee for the list of computers, it'd be better. I dont recall the correct syntax, but if you google for +HTML +marquee, you should be able to find something quickly. And, if you PM a supermod/admin and ask nicely, I'm sure they'll get rid of some of the white space for ya
Might have something to do with file extentions and which program uses it.
Might go through Google again and re-word the questions.
Thanks anyway, appreciate the replies.
Still no luck.
but I did fool around w/ the marquee. You can put images in or change colors as well, just use the vbb code.
The marquee worked a treat. Just changed it to a color more suited to a girl, lol. (not too bad since i don't know html, hehe).
As for the animation problem, we'll get to fix it one day. On behalf of Sally and myself, sure appreciate the effort you have put in. Definitely "beyond the call of duty".
Jon & Sally
Computer Associates, Inc. has a tech support area also. They work on thier site regularly, best bet for current linkage is a Google search. Microsoft thought well enough of their product to include it in trial form in the Security Guidance Kit they offered, and Computer Assosicates provided some of the info in that kit also.
Computer +Associates +support
EZTrust +Support
Unfortunately not. Got Computer Associates, EZFirewall. Works good, just MAY be the cause, not sure yet.
Flying back to the mine to work in 14 hrs. If i don't get a chance this time, i'll do it next time home.
Only 2 weeks to go. But who is counting, lol.
Just finished building/painting a free standing set of steel shelves for Sally's little farmlet. Will take the 9 puters that are on 2 shelves at the moment. Should tidy things up a bit, especially since we have been replacing most of our cases with Antec Super Lanboy's. Found them to be a lot quieter than what we had. Should look a lot tidier when i have finished. ( time home job).
Back on topic, i'll definitely will go through all the firewall settings again. I'll compare them to my notebook ones, and see if i can find the culprit.