AMD Sempron To Arrive On August 17th
The Inquirer has the lowdown on the arrival of the new AMD Sempron chips as well as the planned death of some AMD Athlon XP chips.
Source: The Inquirer
I'll surely miss a lot of the Athlon XP chips, they were great. -KFWe received the info that the Athlon XP 2700+ and slower chips are going to be canned. Actually, the last order for 2700+ and slower could be placed until yesterday Sunday, June 27, 2004. If you want more of those chips you will have to find someone with some leftovers. AMD is also canning all Athlon MP CPUs since its Opteron sales are doing great and they don’t want to hurt new Opterons with leftovers from Athlon MP. Athlon MP, you were a good chip, rest in peace.
Source: The Inquirer
RIP AxP 2700 and lower...
thrax, where's the sermon?
It had a vision, clear and true. Amen I say! Clear and true.
And that vision was to produce a CPU by the people, and for the people. A CPU that they could not only afford, but come to love. And if AMD has done anything, it was succeeding in that glorious charge born in the year 2000.
Socket A has lived a long and glorious life. Seeing the Thunderbird make a mockery of the Wiliamette, watching the Athlon XP contend with Pentium 4s 400-600MHz faster, and delivering the dream of 1GHz overclocks to the masses.
They altered the CPU industry with socket A, they epitomized low price/high power computing
And so we bid farewell. Not to the dream, not to the socket, but to its commonplace. Socket A is eternal, and it lives with socket 7 in the hearts and minds of all enthusiasts who saw the revolution that June of the year two thousand.