Reliable Linux or FreeBSD or NetBSD motherboard

This system will NOT be overclocked. I will not be pushing the limits on RAM timings or anything that could possibly introduce instability.
I want this system to be as solid as a rock, therefore all devices will be run at their rated speeds, even if they are able to run higher with 100% stability.
What motherboards (recent, for the Athlon XP/MP) do you recommend for Linux, FreeBSD or NetBSD?
This system does not warrant dual processors, but if the most stable board is a dual processor board, then that's not a problem.
I want a system that will run an Athlon XP 1700+ or higher, preferably a 2000+ or higher.
I do want AGP video, but nothing high-end. I just want to make sure the PCI-bus is free of any and all traffic that is not necessary.
/me forgot something.
I will be using IDE hard drives and I would like to mirror them, so on-board RAID that is fully supported is a very big plus.
// Edit: If this should have been posted in the Motherboard forum, please move it. I thought this to be the most appropriate forum, but if I'm mistaken please move it so that I get the most input.
// Edit 2: I'm not against Intel for the processor so if you know of a good Intel motherboard let me know. I prefer the AMD chips because I think they offer a better value, but I want absolute stability (w/in a reasonable price range) so if the Intel offers a more stable platform I will go with that. If I do go with Intel, though, I would like to have a board that supports either 533MHz or 800MHz FSB with preferably a 2.4GHz chip, or better. I don't want a really old Intel motherboard or a really slow p4 chip. I want something that's got some juice to it.
I want this system to be as solid as a rock, therefore all devices will be run at their rated speeds, even if they are able to run higher with 100% stability.
What motherboards (recent, for the Athlon XP/MP) do you recommend for Linux, FreeBSD or NetBSD?
This system does not warrant dual processors, but if the most stable board is a dual processor board, then that's not a problem.
I want a system that will run an Athlon XP 1700+ or higher, preferably a 2000+ or higher.
I do want AGP video, but nothing high-end. I just want to make sure the PCI-bus is free of any and all traffic that is not necessary.
/me forgot something.
I will be using IDE hard drives and I would like to mirror them, so on-board RAID that is fully supported is a very big plus.
// Edit: If this should have been posted in the Motherboard forum, please move it. I thought this to be the most appropriate forum, but if I'm mistaken please move it so that I get the most input.
// Edit 2: I'm not against Intel for the processor so if you know of a good Intel motherboard let me know. I prefer the AMD chips because I think they offer a better value, but I want absolute stability (w/in a reasonable price range) so if the Intel offers a more stable platform I will go with that. If I do go with Intel, though, I would like to have a board that supports either 533MHz or 800MHz FSB with preferably a 2.4GHz chip, or better. I don't want a really old Intel motherboard or a really slow p4 chip. I want something that's got some juice to it.
Onboard raid is a waste, just grab any two channels and raid it yourself. You will have a much better filesystem in the end.